I.—Notes introductory to the study and classification of the Spongida
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 1, Date 1875
II.—On the development of the Calcispongiæ
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 41, Date 1875
III.—Note on an apparently new parrot from Cardwell, N.E. Australia
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 54, Date 1875
Descriptions of some new shells from Kergulen Island
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 67, Date 1875
On the tendrils of the Cucurbitaceæ
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 70, Date 1845
Descriptions of new species of crustacea collected at Kerguelen's Island by the Rev. A.E. Eaton
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 73, Date 1875
The blind fish and some of the associated species of the mammoth cave, Kentucky, probably of marine origin
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 79, Date 1875
VIII.—On the position of Sagitta, and on the convergence of types by pelagic life
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 81, Date 1875
IX.—Observations on the genus Platycrinus
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 90, Date 1875
X.—List of the species of the Homopterous genus Hemisphærius, with descriptions of new forms in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 92, Date 1875
XI.—On a Tertiary Pleurotomaria
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 101, Date 1875
XII.—A list of the Gasteropoda collected in Japanese seas by commander H. C. St. John, R.N
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 103, Date 1875
Descriptions of three additional species of Crustacea from Kerguelen's Land and Crozet Island, with remarks upon the genus Paramoera
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 115, Date 1875
XIV.—Description of a new species of Solenella from South Patagonia
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 118, Date 1875
XV.—On the embryogeny of Lamellaria perspicua
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 119, Date 1875
XVI.—Description of a very large species of Scotophilus from Western Africa
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 122, Date 1875
XVIII.—Notice of two new species of mammals (Propithecus and Hemicentetes) from Madagascar
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 125, Date 1875
Notes Introductory to the Study and Classification of the Spongida. Part II. Proposed Classification of the Spongida
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 126, Date 1875
On the occurrence of a superorbital chain of bones in the Arboricolæ (wood-partridges)
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 145, Date 1875
On the Helminthological fauna of the coasts of Brittany
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 146, Date 1875
On the action of borax in fermentation and putrefaction
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 148, Date 1875
Investigation of the phenomena of digestion in insects
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 152, Date 1875
On the structure and the development of the sting and ovipositor of some Hymenoptera and of Locusta viridissima
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 154, Date 1875
XX.—On the primary origin of the sexual products
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 157, Date 1875
XXI.—Note on Entomostraca from Kerguelen's Land and the South Indian Ocean
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 162, Date 1875
XXII.—Revision of the subfamily Pericopiinæ of the Lepidopterous family Arctiidæ, with descriptions of new species
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 163, Date 1875
XXIII.—Notes introductory to the study and classification of the Spongida
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 177, Date 1875
XXIV.—Descriptions of two new species of Marginellidæ from the Cape-Verd Islands
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 200, Date 1875
XXV.—Brief observations on the anatomy of Comatula. By C. Semper. With an Addendum by W. B. Carpenter, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., &c
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 202, Date 1875
Descriptions of new genera and species of New Zealand Coleoptera.-Part I
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 210, Date 1875
On a new sponge of the genus Luffaria, from Yucatan, in the Liverpool Free Museum
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 223, Date 1875
XXVIII.— Description of a new species of Pigeon from the Karen Hills
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 228, Date 1875
XXIX.—Descriptions of some leporine mammals from Central Asia
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 228, Date 1875
XXX.—Description of a new species of Taphozous from Labuan
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 232, Date 1875
Descriptions of two new species of heterocerous lepidoptera of the family Arctiidæ
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 233, Date 1875
Lacerta muralis cærulea: a contribution to the Darwinian theory
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 234, Date 1875
New tertiary Pleurotomaria
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 235, Date 1875
Note on Cossypha pyrrhopygia, Hartlaub
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 236, Date 1875
Notes and descriptions of some new and rare British spiders
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 237, Date 1875
XXXII.—Descriptions of new species of Vespertilionidæ
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 260, Date 1875
Descriptions of new species of Gekkotidae in the British Museum Collection
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 262, Date 1875
XXXIV.—Notice of the occurrence of another gigantic cephalopod (Architeuthis) on the coast of Newfoundland, in December 1874
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 266, Date 1875
XXXV.—On a new genus and some new species of graptolites from the Skiddaw Slates
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 269, Date 1875
Description of some new Asiatic mammals and Chelonia
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 282, Date 1875
Further contributions to the Ornithology of Australia
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 285, Date 1875
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 287, Date 1875
On a new intermediate type of the subkingdom Vermes (Polygordius?, Schneider)
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 295, Date 1875
On the development of the Spinules in the scales of Gobius niger (Linn.)
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 298, Date 1875
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 304, Date 1875
XXXIX.—Contributions to the study of the chief generic types of the Palœozoic corals
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 305, Date 1875
XL.—Descriptions of new Mammalia from Persia and Balúchistan
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 309, Date 1875
Descriptions of new species of New Zealand fish
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 313, Date 1875
On a new genus and species of trap-door spider from South Africa
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 317, Date 1875
XLIII.—On the true nature of the so-called "Bathybius," and its alleged function in the nutrition of the Protozoa
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 322, Date 1875
XLIV.—Description of a supposed new Actinura from the Dafla Hills
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 339, Date 1875
On some new or undescribed species of Crustacea from the Samoa Islands
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 341, Date 1875
XLVI.—Description of a new species of Trichoglossus from Fiji
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 344, Date 1875
XLVII.—Conspectus of the suborders, families, and genera of Chiroptera arranged according to their natural affinities
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 345, Date 1875
XLVIII.—On the "Cow-fish" (Tursio metis) of the sounds on the West Coast of Otago, New Zealand
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 357, Date 1875
XLIX.—On the geological structure of the Amazons Valley
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 359, Date 1875
L.—Note on Linotrypane apogon
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 369, Date 1875
LI.—On a new species of the genus Eupetomena
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 370, Date 1875
On some Lepidoptera with Terebrant Trunks, destructive of oranges
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 372, Date 1875
Corals at the Galapagos Islands
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 374, Date 1875
On the development of the Pulmonate Gasteropoda
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 375, Date 1875
LII.—On a young specimen of Pelagonemertes Rollestoni
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 377, Date 1875
On three new and curious forms of Arachnida
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 383, Date 1875
LV.—On a collection of lepidoptera from Southern Africa, with descriptions of new genera and species
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 394, Date 1875
LVI.—Relation of the canal-system to the tubulation in the foraminifera, with reference to Dr. Dawson's ‘Dawn of Life’
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 420, Date 1875
LVII.—Contributions to the study of the chief generic types of the Palæozoic corals
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 424, Date 1875
LVIII.—On the bower-birds of Australia, with the description of a new species
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 429, Date 1875
The Micrographic Dictionary: a Guide to the Examination and Investigation of the Structure and Nature of Microscopic Objects. By J. W. Griffith, M.D. &c., and Arthur Henfrey, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Third Edition. Edited by J. W. Griffith and Professor Martin
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 430, Date 1875
A Monographic Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Fauna. By Robert M'Lachlan. Parts I.–III. 8vo. London: Van Voorst. Berlin: Friedländer, 1874–1875
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 432, Date 1875
On the development of the Heteropoda
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 435, Date 1875
On the sexual reproduction of the Vorticellians
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 437, Date 1875
The effect of the glacial epoch upon the distribution of insects in North America
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 440, Date 1875
On the reproduction of the eels
Ser 4, Vol 16, Page 442, Date 1875