New species of Crustacea from New Zealand
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 1, Date 1880
A contribution to the knowledge of the fish fauna of the Rio de la Plata
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 7, Date 1880
III.—Description of a new species of Palinurus
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 14, Date 1880
IV.—Additions to the list of New-Zealand Marine Mollusca
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 15, Date 1880
V.—On the geological distribution of the Rhabdophora
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 16, Date 1880
VI.—On the internal structure of the brain of Limulus polyphemus
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 29, Date 1880
VII.—On a new species of Chiton lately found on the British Coasts
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 33, Date 1880
Report on specimens dredged up from the Gulf of Manaar and presented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. W.H. Cawne Warren
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 35, Date 1880
Descriptions of new species of Asiatic Lepidoptera Heterocera
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 61, Date 1880
X.—Contributions towards a general history of the marine Polyzoa
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 69, Date 1880
XI.—Descriptions of a new Cicindelid and a new Cetoniid from East Africa
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 92, Date 1880
Zoological classification: a handy book of reference, with tables of the subkingdoms, classes, orders, &c. of the animal kingdom, their characters, and lists of the families and principal genera. By Francis P. Pascoe, F.L.S. Second Edition, with additions
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 93, Date 1880
A monograph of the Silurian fossils of the Girvan District in Ayrshire. By H. A. Nicholson, M.D., D.Sc., &c., and R. Etheridge, Jun., F.G.S. Fasciculus II. 8vo. Pp. 137-234, plates x.—xv. Edinburgh: Blackwood and Sons, 1880
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 95, Date 1880
On the nervous system of Idothea entomon
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 98, Date 1880
On a peculiar modification of a parasitic mite
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 99, Date 1880
XII.—On a remarkable form of Pedicellaria, and the functions performed thereby; together with general observations on the allied forms of this organ in the Echinidæ
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 101, Date 1880
XIV.—Note on the Perognathus bicolor of Gray
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 118, Date 1880
XV.—Descriptions of new species of Asiatic Lepidoptera Heterocera
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 119, Date 1880
XVI.—Report on specimens dredged up from the Gulf of Manaar and presented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. W. H. Cawne Warren
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 129, Date 1880
XVII.—Note on the genus Heteropora
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 156, Date 1880
XIX.—Description of a new species of Helicidæ from New Zealand
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 159, Date 1880
XX.—Synopsis of the species of Chœradodis, a remarkable Genus of Mantodea common to India and Tropical America
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 160, Date 1880
XXI.—Description of a new species of Cynopterus (Ptenochirus) from Saráwak
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 163, Date 1880
XXII.—On bats from Old Calabar
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 164, Date 1880
Proceedings of learned societies
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 167, Date 1880
On the organization and development of the Gordii
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 169, Date 1880
Gynandromorphous specimens of Cirrochroa aoris
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 172, Date 1880
XXIII.—On the Pentastomum polyzonum of Harley; with a note on the synonymy of the allied species
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 173, Date 1880
XXV.—On the geological distribution of the Rhabdophora
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 185, Date 1880
XXVI.—On misdirected efforts to conjugation in Spirogvra
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 207, Date 1880
XXVII.—On fossil sponge-spicules from the Carboniferous Strata of Ben Bulben, near Sligo
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 209, Date 1880
XXVIII.—Descriptions of new species of Asiatic Lepidoptera Heterocera
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 214, Date 1880
XXIX.—Description of two remarkable new species of Kingfishers
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 231, Date 1880
XXX.—On Cynanthus bolivianus, Gould
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 232, Date 1880
Description of new species of reptiles from eastern Africa
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 234, Date 1880
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 238, Date 1880
Tabulæ in the stellate venations of Stromatopora
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 244, Date 1880
On the antiquity of certain subordinate types of freshwater and land Mollusca
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 247, Date 1880
Note to Dr. C. A. white's paper
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 252, Date 1880
XXXII.—The zoology of Barents Sea
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 253, Date 1880
XXXIII.—On new Hydroida and Polyzoa from Barents Sea
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 277, Date 1880
XXXIV.—Descriptions of six new species of shells from Vancouver Island
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 286, Date 1880
XXXV.—Notes on the Gasteropoda contained in the Gilbertson Collection, British Museum, and figured in Phillips's ‘Geology of Yorkshire’
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 289, Date 1880
XXXVI.—On the Antipatharia (Milne Edwards), with reference to Hydradendrium spinosum
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 301, Date 1880
XXXVII.—The chalk bluffs of Trimmingham
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 305, Date 1880
XXXVIII.—The deep-sea Mollusca of the Bay of Biscay
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 315, Date 1880
XXXIX.—Descriptions of five new species of shells from Uruguay
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 319, Date 1880
XL.—Description of a new species of Arvicola from Northern India
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 322, Date 1880
On the affinities of the genus Polygordius with the Annelids of the Family Opheliidæ
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 324, Date 1880
On Gastrosaccus spinifer
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 328, Date 1880
XLI.—On the minute structure of the recent Heteropora neozelanica, Busk, and on the relations of the genus Heteropora to Monticulipora
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 329, Date 1880
XLII.—On Stromatopora dartingtoniensis, n. sp. with tabulation in the larger branches of the astrorhiza
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 339, Date 1880
XLV.—Additional list of the deep-sea Mollusca of the Bay of Biscay
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 374, Date 1880
XLVI.—Contributions towards a general history of the Marine Polyzoa
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 376, Date 1880
XLVII.—On the flint nodules of the Trimmingham chalk
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 384, Date 1880
XLVIII.—Additional observations on the Antipatharia
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 395, Date 1880
XLIX.—Description of a new species of Turbo, and a note on the occurrence of Rossia Owenii on the Coast of North Wales
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 397, Date 1880
L.—A new Cetonia from Madagascar
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 399, Date 1880
Bibliographical notice
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 400, Date 1880
On some facts in regard to the first phenomena of the development of the Osseous fishes
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 402, Date 1880
Completion of the biology of the Aphides of the galls of the poplar (Pemphigus bursarius, Linn)
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 404, Date 1880
On the ciliated embryo of Bilharzia
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 405, Date 1880
Note on Argiope capsula
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 406, Date 1880
Notes on the early stages of some Polychœtous annelides
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 407, Date 1880
The rhythmical character of the process of segmentation
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 408, Date 1880
LIV.—On the minute structure of the recent Heteropora neozelanica, Busk, and on the Relations of the Genus Heteropora to Monticulipora
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 414, Date 1880
LVI.—Diagnoses of new shells from Lake Tangangika and East Africa
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 425, Date 1880
LVII.—Notes on the French exploring Voyage of ‘Le Travailleur’ in the Bay of Biscay
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 430, Date 1880
LVIII.—On the flint nodules of the Trimmingham chalk
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 437, Date 1880
New northern Gephyrea
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 462, Date 1880
On the existence of polar globules in the ovum of the Crustacea
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 465, Date 1880
On the Organization and Development of the Gordii.—Second Note
Ser 5, Vol 6, Page 466, Date 1880