I.—On the structure and affinities of the genus Parkeria, Carp
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 1, Date 1888
II.—Notes on some Australian Polyzoa
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 13, Date 1888
VI.—Contributions to the knowledge of the reproduction of Euglypha alveolata, Duj
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 27, Date 1888
VII.—Notes on the determination of the fossil teeth of Myliobatis, with a revision of the English Eocene species
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 36, Date 1888
VIII.—On three extremely interestiny new moths of the family Chalcosiidæ from Kilima-njaro and Natal
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 47, Date 1888
Freshwater Sponges: A Monograph. By Eeward Potts. Including ‘Diagnosis of the European Spongillidæ.’ By Prof. Franz Vejdovsky (Prague). Pp. 279, with 12 plates. (Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1887, p. 157 et seq.)
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 53, Date 1888
A manual of zoology for the use of students, with a general introduction on the principles of zoology. By Henry Alleyne Nicholson, M.D. &c. Seventh Edition, rewritten and enlarged. 8vo. Blackwood : Edinburgh and London, 1887
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 55, Date 1888
Living lights; a popular account of phosphorescent animals and vegetables. By C. F. Holder. London, 1887
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 57, Date 1888
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 58, Date 1888
Note on the genus Lophopus
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 62, Date 1888
On the pelagic fauna of some lakes in Auvergne
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 63, Date 1888
The fauna of the Podophthalmous Crustacea of the Bay of Marseilles
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 66, Date 1888
On the formation of vegetable mould by the action of certain animals
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 68, Date 1888
IX.—On some new species of the genus Spongodes, Less., from the Philippine Islands and the Japanese seas
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 69, Date 1888
Polyzoa of Mauritius
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 72, Date 1888
XI.— Note on the extinct Reptilian genera Megalania, Owen, and Meiolania, Owen
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 85, Date 1888
XII.—New species of butterflies collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford in the Solomon Islands
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 90, Date 1888
Descriptions of new Reptiles and Batrachians from Madagascar
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 101, Date 1888
XV.—On some points in the anatomy of the Temnopleuridæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 109, Date 1888
XVII.—On the bib (Gadus luscus) and poor-cod (G. minutus)
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 151, Date 1888
XVIII.—Diagnoses of six new Mammals from the Solomon Islands
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 155, Date 1888
XIX.—Diagnoses of four new species of Didelphys
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 158, Date 1888
Note on Lophopus Lendenfeldi
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 159, Date 1888
On Glyphastræa sexradiata, Lonsdale, sp
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 160, Date 1888
On the infection of a frog-tadpole by Saprolegnia ferax
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 162, Date 1888
On the significance of sexual reproduction
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 163, Date 1888
Notice of two new branchiopod crustacea from the trans-Caspian Region
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 164, Date 1888
The reptiles of british india
Ser 6, Vol 1, Date 1864
XXII.—Description of a new earth-snake of the genus Silybura from the Bombay Presidency, with remarks on other little-known Uropeltidæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 184, Date 1888
XXIII.— Descriptions of new Brazilian batrachians
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 187, Date 1888
XXIV.—Descriptions of a new genus and of some new species of longicorn coleoptera of the family Lamiidæ obtained by Mr. C. M. Woodford in the Solomon Islands
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 190, Date 1888
XXV.—On some species of Cetoniidæ from the Loo Choo Islands
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 194, Date 1888
XXVI.—An account of three series of Lepidoptera collected in North-west India by Major Yerbury
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 196, Date 1888
XXVII.—New species of butterflies collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford in the Solomon Islands
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 209, Date 1888
XXVIII.—The Polyzoa of the St. Lawrence: a study of arctic forms
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 214, Date 1888
Bergens Museum Aarsberetning for 1886. 8vo. Bergen: John Grieg, 1887
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 228, Date 1888
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 230, Date 1888
Bot-larvæ in the Terrapin
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 231, Date 1888
A new member of the deep-water fauna of the freshwater basins
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 232, Date 1888
XXXII.—On the nature of the opaque scarlet spherules found in the chambers and canals of many fossilized foraminifera
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 264, Date 1888
XXXIV.—Note on an abnormal specimen of the dentition of Rhinoptera
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 281, Date 1888
XXXV.—On the genus Theatops
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 283, Date 1888
On the Genus Theatops
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 289, Date 1888
XXXVI.—Descriptions of new species of oriental homoptera belonging to the family Cicadidæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 291, Date 1888
A catalogue of the moths of India. Compiled by E. C. Cotes and Colonel C. Swinhoe. Part I. Sphinges; Part II. Bombyces. Printed by order of the Trustees of the Indian Museum. Calcutta, 1887
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 310, Date 1888
A new freshwater sponge
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 313, Date 1888
On parasitic castration in the Eucyphotes of the genera Palæmon and Hippolyte
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 314, Date 1888
XXXVIII.—On a new physophore, Plœophysa, and its relationships to other Siphonophores
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 317, Date 1888
Contribution to the knowledge of snakes of tropical Africa
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 322, Date 1888
XL.—Description of Scolopendra valida, Lucas, with notes on allied species
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 335, Date 1888
XLI.—On the survival of Spongillæ after the development of swarm-larvæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 340, Date 1888
Descriptions of new reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. H. O. Forbes in New Guinea
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 343, Date 1888
XLIII.—On the characters of the Chelonian families Pelomedusidæ and Chelydidæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 346, Date 1888
XLIV.—Some observations on the coleopterous family Bostrichidæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 348, Date 1888
XLV.—On Trachinus draco and T. vipera
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 351, Date 1888
XLVII.—Short life-histories of nine Australian Lepidoptera
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 357, Date 1888
XLVIII.—On a new mode of Life among Medusæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 362, Date 1888
XLIX.—Notice of a remarkable Ophiurid from Brazil
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 368, Date 1888
L.— Descriptions of new species of oriental Cicadidæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 1370, Date 1888
LI.—Remarks on shell-growth in Cephalopoda
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 376, Date 1888
Observations on the new red series of Cumberland and Westmorland, with especial reference to classification
Ser 6, Vol 1, Date 1888
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 381, Date 1888
Note on the nomenclature of three genera of Fossil Mammalia
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 384, Date 1888
On Nephromyces, a new genus of Fungi parasitic in the kidney of the Molgulidæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 386, Date 1888
LII.—On the reproductive organs of Phreoryctes
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 389, Date 1888
Notes on the Palaeozoic Bivalved Entomostraca. No. xxv. On some Siluriau Ostracoda from Gottland
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 395, Date 1888
LIV.—On the fructification and affinities of Archæopteris hibernica, Forbes, sp
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 412, Date 1888
A list of batrachians from the Province Santa Catharina, Brazil
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 415, Date 1888
LVI.—On butterflies of the genus Teracolus obtained by Mr. H. G. Palliser at Khandesh in the Winter of 1886–7
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 417, Date 1888
LVII.—Notice of an abnormal growth in a species of Haliotis
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 419, Date 1888
LVIII.—Professor Blake and shell-growth in Cephalopoda
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 421, Date 1888
LIX.—Descriptions of two new species of Indian Soricidæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 427, Date 1888
Contribution to our knowledge of the fishes of the Yangtsze-Kiang
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 429, Date 1888
LXI.—On the so-called eyes of Tridacna and the occurrence of pseudochlorophyll-corpuscles in the vascular system of the Lamellibranchiata
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 435, Date 1888
LXII.—On the presence of ossa transversa in a Chelonian
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 452, Date 1888
A textbook of biology. By J. R. Ainsworth Davis. London: Charles Griffin & Co., 1888
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 453, Date 1888
On the "nursing"-habits of Dendrobates, as observed by A. Kappler
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 454, Date 1888
On the formation of the antherozoids of the Hepaticæ
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 455, Date 1888
On the gemmules of some marine siliceous sponges
Ser 6, Vol 1, Page 457, Date 1888