The systematic position of Palaeospiza bella Allen with observations on other fossil Birds
Vol 67, Page 183
Diagnoses of new American Arachnida
Vol 67, Page 209
Diagnoses of new American Arachnida
Vol 67, Page 211
Description of a new Psithyrus with an account of Psithyrus laboriosus and notes on Bumble-bees
Vol 67, Page 265
New genera of Megapodagrioninae, with notes on the subfamily
Vol 67, Page 291
New cephalopods from the Fayetteville shale
Vol 67, Page 341
Review of the Engraulidae, with descriptions of new and rare species. By David Starr Jordan and Alvin Seale
Vol 67, Page 355
A collection of Birds from South-western New Guinea (Merauke coast and inland)
Vol 67, Page 421
Fossil insects from the Lower Permian of Kansas
Vol 67, Page 437
Fossil Mammals from South Carolina
Vol 67, Page 447
Birds from the Rain Forest Region of Vera Cruz
Vol 67, Page 471