Correlation of the Timiskaming Outlier with description of a New Cephalopod
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 1
Nesting of the White-Winged Crossbill
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 3
Vascular Plants from Mansel (Mansfield) Island, N.W.T.
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 5
Some Marine Algae from Labrador, Hudson Bay, and Arctic Canada
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 9
Some Marine Algae from Anticosti Island and Gaspe Peninsula
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 10
Helix rufescens Re-discovered at Ottawa
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 14
A New Bat for the Toronto Region List
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 14
Geology of South Nahanni River, N.W.T.
Vol 52, Iss 2, Page 15
Christmas Bird Censuses, 1937
Vol 52, Iss 2, Page 21
William Herriot, Botanist [Obituary]
Vol 52, Iss 2, Page 28
A Wolf Record from the Winnipeg Area
Vol 52, Iss 2, Page 29
The Microscope, by Simon Henry Gage [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 2, Page 30
Snakes Alive and How They Live, by Clifford H. Hope [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 2, Page 30
Bird Portraits in Color, by Thomas Sadler Roberts [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 2, Page 30
A Study of the Snowshoe Rabbit
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 31
Cold-Blooded Vertebrates of Grippen Lake, Leeds County, Ontario
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 40
Notes on Introduced Capercailzie
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 43
George Frederick Dippie 1873-1935 [Obituary]
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 44
An Extralimital Record of the Magpie in Ontario
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 45
A Beast Book for the Pocket, by Edmund Sandars [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 45
The Lore of the Lyre Bird, by Ambrose Pratt; Koala, by Charles Barrett; The Call of the Koala, by Ambrose Pratt, and Australia's Entail, by A. O. Barrett [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 46
Plant Ecology, by Hilda Drabble Longmans [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 3, Page 46
Notes on Birds of the Labrador Peninsula in 1936 and 1937
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 47
The Oviposition and Cannibalistic Habits of the Narrow-Winged Katydid (Phaneroptera pistillata Brunner)
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 51
List of Grasses (Gramineae) of the Ottawa District
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 53
On the Nest of the Sora Rail (Porzana Carolina Linn.)
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 55
Additions to the Agaricaceae of the Ottawa district
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 57
The Influx of the Red Fox and its Colour Phases into the Barren Lands
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 60
Winter Birds in Nova Scotia
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 61
Albino White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli)
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 61
Rare Gulls at Fort Erie on the Niagara River
Vol 52, Iss 4, Page 61
The Snowshoe Rabbit Enquiry 1936-37
Vol 52, Iss 5, Page 63
Red Spruce in the Lower Gatineau Valley
Vol 52, Iss 5, Page 72
Summer Notes from Blue Sea Lake, Quebec
Vol 52, Iss 6, Page 79
The Relation of the Marine Fauna to the Physiography of the West Coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands
Vol 52, Iss 6, Page 88
Occurrence of the Lapland Longspur in the Ottawa District
Vol 52, Iss 6, Page 93
Musical Warble of the Savannah Sparrow
Vol 52, Iss 6, Page 93
Greater Yellow-legs and Pigeon Hawk
Vol 52, Iss 6, Page 94
Leguminous Forage Plants, by D. H. Robinson [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 6, Page 94
Summer Birds of the Forillon, Gaspé County, Quebec
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 95
Notes on the Flora of Cape Breton Island
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 104
Further Additions to the Ottawa List of Mollusca
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 106
Mammals from Touchwood Hills, Saskatchewan
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 108
First Recorded Nest of Baltimore Oriole for Nova Scotia
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 109
Yellow-crowned Night Herons in Nova Scotia
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 109
Our Shade Trees, by E. Porter Felt [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 109
Special Publication of the American Committee for International Wild Life Protection [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 110
The Chat [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 110
The New Ottawa Map Sheet
Vol 52, Iss 7, Page 110
Mollusca of the Ottawa Region (Clams, Snails and Slugs)
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 111
The Cranberry in Canada
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 116
Churchill, Manitoba, and Its Bird-Life
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 118
Summer Birds of the Forillon, Gaspé County, Quebec
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 120
Summer Tanager in Nova Scotia
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 122
Cormorants of Laprairie Bay, Quebec
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 123
Rough-winged Swallows at Ottawa
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 123
An Incident in an Osprey's Fishing
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 123
Notes on Observations of Certain Birds on the Island of Anticosti, Quebec
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 124
Occurrence of the American Coot and the Whip-poor-will in Eastern Saguenay County, Quebec
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 125
The Geologic History of Magnolia State Park, by William Clifford Morse [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 125
Animal Treasure, by Ivan T. Sanderson [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 8, Page 125
The Canadian Distribution of Lithospermum croceum Fern
Vol 52, Iss 9, Page 127
Mollusca of the Ottawa Region (Clams, Snails and Slugs)
Vol 52, Iss 9, Page 128
Notes on Rare Canadian Plants
Vol 52, Iss 9, Page 132
Birds Now Seldom Seen
Vol 52, Iss 9, Page 133
Notes on the Warblers of the Rosebud District, Alberta
Vol 52, Iss 9, Page 134
The Life Story of the Fish, by Brian Curtis [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 9, Page 136
Algae, The Grass of Many Waters, by Lewis Hanford Tiffany [Review]
Vol 52, Iss 9, Page 136