A Historical Review of the Habits and Anatomy of the Woodcock. Compiled from the Earliest Drawings and Accounts to those of the Present Day
Vol 49, Iss 1, Page 3
The Nest of the Great Crested Flycatcher
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 31
Concerning Faunal Lists
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 32
Mollusca of the Ottawa Region. Additions and Corrections
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 33
Christmas Bird Censuses, 1934
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 37
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 45
Behaviour of the Garter Snake during Thunderstorms
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 45
Do Ptarmigan Migrate Between Iceland and Greenland?
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 46
On the Mineralogy of Sedementary Rocks, by P. G. H. Boswell [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 46
Three Species of Eubranchipus New to Canada
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 47
List of the Vascular Plants of the Horsethief Creek— Purcell Range, B.C.
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 49
Bird Notes from Vancouver Island 1933
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 56
Some 1932 Bird Notes from London, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 57
The Yellow Rail in the Province of Quebec
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 58
A Note on the Migration of the Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 59
Gastrodonta multidentata Near Ottawa
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 60
Note on Lampreys
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 60
Freshwater Clams as Bait
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 60
Notes Relative to Passerella iliaca fuliginosa Ridgway
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 60
The Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) Wintering in Alberta
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 61
Extension of Range of Cotton-tail Rabbits
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 61
Correction — Editor
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 61
Exploring The Animal World, by Charles Elton [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 62
A Field Guide to the Birds, by Roger Tory Peterson [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 62
Alfred G. Kingston, 1853-1934 [Obituary]
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 63
A "Three-eyed" Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) Caught at St. Andrews, N.B.
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 64
The Manitoba Museum
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 67
Some Notes on the Cottontail in Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 70
List of the Vascular Plants of the Horsethief Creek— Purcell Range, B.C.
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 71
The Saddle-backed Shrew in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 76
Dickcissel Influx in Essex and Kent Counties, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 76
Occurrence of a King Rail (Rallus elegans elegans) in southern Ontario in December
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 76
Early Nesting of the American Golden-eye (Glaucionetta clangula americana)
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 76
Snowy Owl Captures a Crow
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 77
Mammals collected by T. T. and E. B. McCabe in the Bowron Lake region of British Columbia, by E. Raymond Hall [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 77
The Canadian Snowshoe Rabbit Enquiry, 1933-34
Vol 49, Iss 5, Page 79
Charles Wendell Townsend, 1859-1934 [Obituary]
Vol 49, Iss 5, Page 85
Notes on the Arctic Fairy Shrimp, Branchinecta paludosa
Vol 49, Iss 5, Page 86
Identification of the Commercial Timbers of the United States, by H. P. Brown and A. J. Panshin [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 5, Page 88
Some Common Birds of Nova Scotia, by Robie Tufts [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 5, Page 89
G. A. Miller,1862-1935 [Obituary]
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 95
Fauna of the Black River Group in the Vicinity of Montreal
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 96
Epilobium latifolium L. nov. subsp. leucanthum (vulgo" White Alpine Willowhcrb.") A Tito Ulke descriptum 108
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 108
Some fungi from Anticosti Island and Gaspe Peninsula
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 107
Wood Turtle from Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 109
Another Wood Turtle Record from Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 109
The Oppossum in Kent County, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 109
Another Least Weasel Specimen from Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 109
American Bird Biographies, by Arthur A. Allan
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 109
Songs of Wild Birds, by Albert R. Brand
Vol 49, Iss 6, Page 110
The Red-Backed Sandpiper at Toronto
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 111
William Couper's Observations of Birds of the Labrador Peninsula
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 112
Avian Murder
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 116
Some Notes on the Habits of the Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 118
The European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) in Alberta
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 119
On the Accidental Passage of Birds on Ships from Canada to the British Isles
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 119
Notes on Mammals of the Upper Liard and Frances Rivers
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 120
Nesting of the American Coot
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 123
First Toronto Specimen of Henslow's Sparrow
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 123
Pied-Billed Grebe from Baffin Island
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 123
A Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) from Clarkson, Peel County, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 123
Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Bathing on a Cold Day
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 124
The Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina) in the Magdalen Islands
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 124
Orange-Crowned Warbler in November
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 124
Winter Goldfinches near Quebec City
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 124
Archaeological Evidence of the Presence of Wild Turkey in Simcoe County, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 125
The Little Black Bullhead (Ameiurus melas) as an Aquarium Fish
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 125
A Large Movement of The Terrestrial Form of the Common Newt (Triturus v. viridescens (Harlan) )
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 125
A Guide to Bird Songs, by Arelas Saunders [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 125
The Hawks of North America, by John Richard May [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 7, Page 126
Pectinatella in Rainy River District, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 127
Thrush Songs
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 129
Observations on the Behaviour of Adult Sockeye Salmon during the Spawning Migration
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 132
Trout Fminerlings Killed by Natural Fishhooks or Spears: the Seeds of Bidens
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 135
A Badger Specimen from Port Dover, Norfolk County, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 136
Great Migration of Snow Geese in the Neighbourhood of Meaford, Ontario
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 137
Further Additions to the Vascular Plants of Anticosti Island
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 138
John Townson [Obituary]
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 139
White Tips of Napaeozapus Tails
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 139
Unusual Nesting of Eastern Redwing (Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus) at Toronto
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 139
Crossbills and Starlings
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 140
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis)
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 140
Fox Sparrow Wintering at Toronto
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 140
German Bird Bands
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 140
Contributions from the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, by Hugh M. Raup [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 140
The Amphibian Fauna from the South Joggins, Nova Scotia, by Margaret C. Steen [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 8, Page 141
Hydroids from the West Coast of Vancouver Island
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 143
Is the Eastern Goldfinch (Spinus tristis tristis) Double-Brooded? A Fourth Study of its Home Life
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 145
A Neglected Work on the Shells of Quebec
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 147
Sparrow Hawk (Falco s. sparverius) Capturing a Horned Lark (Otocoris alpestris praticola)
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 151
The Force of Example
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 151
An Extralimital Record of the American Magpie in Saskatchewan
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 152
Wintering Birds in Alberta
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 152
Sheep and Bear Trails, by John P. Holman [Review]
Vol 49, Iss 9, Page 152