Reclassification of the Fossil Unionidae (Fresh-water Mussels) of Western Canada
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 1
On the Behaviour of the Long-Finned Squid (Loligo pealii, (Lesueur))
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 4
Notes on Certain Recently Described Dinosaurs
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 7
Notes on the Rearing of Captive Young Meadow Jumping Mice
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 8
Erucastrum Gallicum—A Sly Intruder
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 10
Notes on the Nesting of the Duck Hawk in Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 11
Birds and a Bath
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 14
Some Notes on the Winter Birds of Yarmouth and the Tusket Islands of Nova Scotia
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 15
The Madeira Petrel, Oceanodroma castro - A New Bird for Canada
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 20
Microtus tetramerus on Vancouver Island, B.C.
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 21
Birds and Mammals from the Kootenay Valley, Southern British Columbia, by Joseph Mailliard [Review]
Vol 48, Iss 1, Page 21
Recent Developments In Waterfowl Conservation in Eastern Canada
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 25
Christmas Bird Censuses, 1933
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 28
Pleistocene and Post-pleistocene Molluscan Faunas of Southern Saskatchewan. With Description of a New Species of Gyraulus
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 34
Some Vancouver Island Bird Notes
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 37
Holboell's Grebe in Nova Scotia
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 38
Do Caddis Fly Larvae Kill Fish?
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 39
White Herons in Southern Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 39
The Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon contortrix in Parry Sound District, Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 39
Nova Scotia Gets Willow Ptarmigan
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 39
Note on the Range of Valvata lewisi ontariensis F. C. Baker
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 39
Vol 48, Iss 2, Page 40
Interesting Bird Records for Southern Baffin Island
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 41
Food of the American Merganser, (Mergus merganser americanus) in British Columbia.Paper No. 2
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 45
Nutritional Anaemia in Mink
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 47
Pycnogonida from the Coast of British Columbia
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 49
A New Mammal Record for the Riding Mountain National Park List
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 50
Notes on the Alewife
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 51
Additional Christmas Bird Census, 1933
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 52
Would a Muskrat Attack a Pike?
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 53
Regarding the Arkansas Kingbird
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 53
Note on the Water Ousel, Cinclus mexicanus
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 53
A Red-eyed Towhee near Quebec City
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 53
The Colour of the Bill in Roseate Terns, Sterna dougalli
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 54
Northern Occurrence of Hog-nosed Snake in Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 55
The Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in Welland County, Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 55
Another Bird-eating Frog
Vol 48, Iss 3, Page 55
Marmota caligata broweri, A New Marmot from Northern Alaska
Vol 48, Iss 4, Page 57
Notes on the Distribution of the Hoary Marmots
Vol 48, Iss 4, Page 61
Some Additions to the Vascular Flora of Anticosti Island
Vol 48, Iss 4, Page 63
Interesting Bird Records for Southern Baffin Island
Vol 48, Iss 4, Page 65
Grasshoppers Routed by Gulls
Vol 48, Iss 4, Page 68
Two New Canadian Lymnaeas
Vol 48, Iss 4, Page 69
Biological Ethidcs, by Oscar De Beaux, and The Conservation Ethic, by Aldo Leopold [Review]
Vol 48, Iss 4, Page 70
The Canadian Snowshoe Rabbit Enquiry, 1932-1983
Vol 48, Iss 5, Page 73
Interesting Bird Records for Southern Baffin Island
Vol 48, Iss 5, Page 79
American Barn Owl (Tyto alba) at Ottawa
Vol 48, Iss 5, Page 82
A Northern Record for the Starling, Sturnus vulgaris
Vol 48, Iss 5, Page 82
Malte Oscar Malte
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 89
M. O. Malte as a Systematic Botanist
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 91
An Ontario Sand-Fall
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 93
Some 1931 Bird Notes from London, Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 95
Some Notes on the Praying Mantis
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 97
Notes on Birds of the Labrador Peninsula in 1931, 1932 and 1933
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 98
Ajuga genevensis L. — Erect Bugle, in Canada
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 102
Was the Introduction of the Muskrat to Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Island Unwise?
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 103
An Escaped Red-Breasted Goose, Bernicla rufcollis from James Bay
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 103
The White-Tailed Jack Rabbit in Manitoba
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 103
Black Crappies in British Columbia
Vol 48, Iss 6, Page 103
Wild Life in the Thelon River Area, Northwest Territories, Canada
Vol 48, Iss 7, Page 105
Animal Parasites of North-East Canada
Vol 48, Iss 7, Page 111
Notes on Birds of the Labrador Peninsula in 1931, 1932 and 1933
Vol 48, Iss 7, Page 115
Note on the Age of Land Shells in the Marl Deposits of McKay Lake near Ottawa, Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 7, Page 119
Unusual Migration of Willow Ptarmigan in Central Alberta during the Winter of 1933-34
Vol 48, Iss 7, Page 120
Ichthyological Treasures from the Albatross Expeditions in Canadian Waters
Vol 48, Iss 8, Page 121
Vascular Plants Collected during the Canadian Hudson Strait Expedition in 1927
Vol 48, Iss 8, Page 126
Notes on the Fish Fauna of an Eastern Ontario Shallow Water Lake
Vol 48, Iss 8, Page 131
Sorex palustris brooksi, a New Water Shrew from Vancouver Island
Vol 48, Iss 8, Page 134
A New Species of Gyraulus from Canada
Vol 48, Iss 8, Page 135
The Ecology of Animals, by Charles Elton [Review]
Vol 48, Iss 8, Page 136
A History and List of Birds of Middlesex County, Ontario, by W. E. Saunders and E. M. S. Dale [Review]
Vol 48, Iss 8, Page 136
The Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum and Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanocorys, in Saskatchewan
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 137
Additional Notes on the Flora of Quebec
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 138
Some Amphibians and. Reptiles of the District around High River, Alberta, 1933
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 139
English Sparrows at Vineland Station, Ontario
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 140
The Food of Young Spring Salmon in Shuswap Lake, B.C.
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 142
Unusual Roosting of Tree Sparrow
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 142
Correspondence from Miss Betty Smart
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 143
Note on the Songs of the Northern Thrushes
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 144
Record of Ovalipes ocellatus (Herbst) from Gulf of St. Lawrence
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 144
A Rare Lily found on the Island of Montreal
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 145
Dr. M. 0. Malte
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 145
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 145
The Deformation of the Earth's Crust, by Walter H. Bucher [Review]
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 145
Hand Book of Frogs and Toads, by Anna Allen Wright and Albert Hazen Wright [Review]
Vol 48, Iss 9, Page 146