Further studies on the pollination ecology of Ficus sycomorus L. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Agaonidae )
Vol 112, Page 1, Date 1969
Catalogus der Nederlandse Macrolepidoptera (Vijftiende supplement)
Vol 112, Page 15, Date 1969
Tortricidae from the Seychelles and Aldabra (Lepidoptera)
Vol 112, Page 81, Date 1969
The melectine genus Eupavlovskia Popov, 1955, with notes on its distribution and host relations (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophoridae)
Vol 112, Page 101, Date 1969
Untersuchungen ueber die Rhaphidiiden-Fauna der Sowjet-Union (Insecta, Raphidioptera)
Vol 112, Page 123, Date 1969
A study of the genus Meringopus Foerster in Europe and of some related species from Asia (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae,Cryptinae)
Vol 112, Page 165, Date 1969
Descriptions of some Indo-Australian Psenulus and revision of the group of Psenulus pulcherrimus (Bingham) (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Psenini)
Vol 112, Page 197, Date 1969
Versuch einer Analyse der ökologischen Beziehungen zwischen Lycaeniden (Lepidoptera) und Formiciden (Hymenoptera)
Vol 112, Page 213, Date 1969
A revision of the genus Cryptus Fabricius s. str. in the western Palearctic region, with keys to genera of Cryptina and species of Cryptus (Hymenoptera, lchneumonidae
Vol 112, Page 299, Date 1969