A survey of the Dutch species of the subgenus Hylopsallus of Psallus (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Miridae)
Vol 124, Page 1, Date 1981
The micro-lepidopteran genus Ectoedemia Busck (Nepticulidae) in North America
Vol 124, Page 27, Date 1981
A supplement to the genus Ectoedemia Busck (Nepticulidae: Lepidoptera) in North America, dealing with some difficult species and also some new ones
Vol 124, Page 93, Date 1981
Taxonomic studies of Chironominae (Diptera, Chironomidae) from India. The genus Polypedilum Kieffer
Vol 124, Page 111, Date 1981
The fig wasp fauna of the receptacles of Ficus thonningii (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)
Vol 124, Page 149, Date 1981
Samuel Constant Snellen van Vollenhoven (1816-1880) and his entomological work
Vol 124, Page 235, Date 1981