Cousinia zagrica (Asteraceae) a new species from west of Iran
Vol 8, Page 5, Date 2002
INFOCOMP - the Compositae Types digital imaging project in Munich
Vol 8, Page 9, Date 2002
Bemerkungen zur Taxonomie der Gattung Limonium VIII
Vol 8, Page 21, Date 2002
Limonium lambinonii und Limonium calanchicola - zwei neue Arten aus Korsika
Vol 8, Page 25, Date 2002
Die Gattung Hypochaeris L. sect. Hypochaeris (Compositae) im westlichen Nordafrika
Vol 8, Page 35, Date 2002
Contributions to the Flora of Northern Africa, II. New and noteworthy taxa from Morocco
Vol 8, Page 45, Date 2002
Six new Alchemilla species from northeastern Anatolia
Vol 8, Page 59, Date 2002
The aberrant inflorescence of Luzula elegans Lowe (Juncaceae) compared to other Luzula species
Vol 8, Page 77, Date 2002
Die Flechtengattung Clauzadea
Vol 8, Page 85, Date 2002
New species of Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) sect. Hololeuce, Onobrychoidei, Ornithopodium and Synochreati and a new section Baldaccia
Vol 8, Page 155, Date 2002
Chromosomenzahlen von Hieracium (Compositae, Lactuceae) Teil 4
Vol 8, Page 167, Date 2002
Nachruf auf Herrn Dr. Dr. Gerhard Benl (1910-2001)
Vol 8, Page 195, Date 2002
New taxa and new combinations published in Sendtnera 8 (3 1 . 1 2.2002)
Vol 8, Page 205, Date 2002