I.—Report on the Copepoda obtained by Mr. George Murray, F.R.S., during the cruise of the ‘Oceana’ in 1898
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 1, Date 1903
On a collection of fishes from the Cameroon containing new species
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 37, Date 1903
III.—On the Hymenoptera collected by Mr. W. L. Distant in the Transvaal, South Africa, with descriptions of supposed new species
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 46, Date 1903
Descriptions of new Genera and Species of New Zealand Coleoptera
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 69, Date 1903
V.—Notes on the Natural History of East Finmark
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 87, Date 1903
VI.—Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. No. XXV
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 128, Date 1903
VII.—On some points in connexion with the ordinary development of Vaucheria resting-spores
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 166, Date 1903
VIII.—On the relations between certain diatoms and the fission-products of a parasitic alga (Chlorochytrium)
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 175, Date 1903
IX. — Descriptions of Three new Batrachians from Tonkin
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 186, Date 1912
Bibliographical notice
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 190, Date 1903
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 192, Date 1903
XI.—Descriptions of new Eastern moths
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 193, Date 1903
New American Hymenoptera, mostly of the genus Nomada
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 200, Date 1903
XIII.—On a collection of batrachians and reptiles from the interior of cape colony
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 215, Date 1903
Descriptions of two new fishes discovered by Major C. Delmé Radcliffe in the Victoria Nyanza
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 218, Date 1903
XV.—On a new frog from upper Burma and Siam
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 219, Date 1903
XVI.—Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from tropical south America and one from north Australia
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 220, Date 1903
Report on the Isopoda and Amphipoda collected by Mr. George Murray, F.R.S., during the cruiser of the "Oceana" in November 1898
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 223, Date 1903
XVIII.—Notes on neotropical mammals of the genera Felis, Hapale, Oryzomys, Akodon, and Ctenomys, with descriptions of new species
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 234, Date 1903
XIX.—Report on a collection of Echinoderms from the neighbourhood of Zanzibar.—Part I
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 244, Date 1903
Rhynchotal notes. XVIII. Heteroptera
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 248, Date 1903
XXI.—Note on a fossil eel from the Scandinavian chalk
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 254, Date 1903
XXII.—Notes on Hippoboscidæ (Diptera pupipara) in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 255, Date 1903
On some new genera and species of parasitic Hymenoptera from the Khasia Hills, Assam
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 266, Date 1903
Notes on Blattidae, with descriptions of new genera and species in the collection of the British Museum, South Kensington. No. II
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 273, Date 1903
XXV.—Notes on the Natural History of East Finmark
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 280, Date 1903
Bibliographical notice
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 286, Date 1903
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 287, Date 1903
A matter of nomenclature
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 288, Date 1903
XXVI.—Descriptions of sixty-eight new Gastropoda from the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and North Arabian sea, dredged by Mr. F. W. Townsend, of the Indo-European telegraph service, 1901–1903
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 289, Date 1903
XXVIII.—On the distribution of mid-water Chœtognatha in the North Atlantic during the month of November
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 334, Date 1903
XXX.—New African mammalia of the genera Petrodromus, Dendromys, Mus, and Lepus
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 339, Date 1903
On a collection of fishes from the Azores
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 344, Date 1903
On the genus Lichia of Cuvier
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 348, Date 1903
XXXIII.—Descriptions of new snakes in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 350, Date 1903
List of the African species of the cyprinid genus Labeo, with a key to their identification
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 355, Date 1903
Description of a new silurid fish of the genus Clarias from British Central Africa
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 362, Date 1903
XXXVI.—On some new genera and species of parasitic Hymenoptera from the Khasia Hills, Assam
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 363, Date 1903
A manual of palœartic birds. By H. E. Dresser, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Part I. Published by the author at 3 Hanover Square, W. 12s. 6d. net
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 371, Date 1903
The fauna and geography of the Mildive and Laccadive Archipelagoes. Part I. Vol. II. pls. xxvi.–xxxiv. Cambridge: University Press. 15s. net
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 372, Date 1903
Notes on Blattidae etc., with descriptions of new genera and species in the collection of the British Museum, South Kensington. No. III
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 373, Date 1903
XXXIX.—Notes on the Natural History of East Finmark
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 406, Date 1903
On new species of Histeridae and notices of others
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 417, Date 1903
XLI.—Descriptions of new lizards in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 429, Date 1903
Descriptions of new freshwater fishes from southern Cameroon
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 435, Date 1903
XLIII.—North-American bees, and a new Homopteron
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 442, Date 1903
XLIV.—Notes on South-American monkeys, bats, carnivores, and rodents, with descriptions of new species
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 455, Date 1903
XLV.—A new mungoose from Namaqualand
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 465, Date 1903
Bibliographical notice
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 466, Date 1903
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 467, Date 1893
XLVII.—A revision of the genera of the Araneæ or spiders, with reference to their type species
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 481, Date 1903
XLVIII.—Descriptions of fourteen new species of marine Mollusca from Japan
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 496, Date 1903
XLIX.—Three new species of Nyctinomus
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 501, Date 1903
L.—Notes on Irish species of Eylais
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 505, Date 1903
Remarks upon the morphology and systematics of certain chilognathous diplopods
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 515, Date 1903
Diagnoses of four new species of Barbus from the Nile
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 532, Date 1903
LIV.—Descriptions of new batrachians in the British Museum
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 552, Date 1903
On Haddonella topsenti, gen. et sp.n., the structure and development of its pithed fibres
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 557, Date 1903
LVI.—Description of a new genus of Heteromerous Coleoptera
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 563, Date 1903
LVII.—On some new genera and species of parasitic hymenoptera from the Khasia Hills, Assam
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 565, Date 1903
LVIII.—On the occurrence of Gobius capito, C. & V., in cornwall
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 584, Date 1903
LIX.—On a new species of Helictis
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 592, Date 1903
Description of a new West-African fish of the genus Alestes
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 594, Date 1903
Descriptions of thirty-one terrestrial and fluviatile mollusca from South Africa
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 595, Date 1903
LXII.—New hymenoptera aculeata taken by the swedish zoological expedition to Egypt and the white Nile in the spring of 1901
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 610, Date 1903
LVIII.—Notes on some Medusœ from Japan
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 615, Date 1903
Descriptions of new South-American fishes in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 621, Date 1903
LXV.—Notes on Scapholeberis aurita (S. Fischer), a cladoceran new to Britain
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 630, Date 1903
LXVI.—Three new bats from the Cameroons, discovered by Mr. G.L. Bates
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 633, Date 1903
Index Animalium, 1758–1800. A Carolo Davies Sherborn confectus. Cambridge University Press, 1902
Ser 7, Vol 12, Page 638, Date 1903