Early stages of Palearctic Lepidoptera, IX
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 1, Date 1948
Aberrations of British Macrolepidoptera
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 9, Date 1948
The foraging space of ants (Hym. Formicidae) in Greece
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 59, Date 1948
A new genus and species of ant from New Britain
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 65, Date 1948
Second supplement on the Longicorn Coleoptera of Wales
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 69, Date 1948
Middle East Lopidoptera, IX: Two new forms or species and thirty-five now records from Cyprus
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 79, Date 1948
Colour variation in pupae of Euphydryas aurinia
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 88, Date 1948
A critical examination of the section of "A Check List of British Insects" by Kloet and Hincks, dealing with the "Chermidae" or Psyllidae. Part I
Ser new, Vol 60, Page 89, Date 1948