lines 18—28 score
line 21 underline "dioiques"
lines 33—36 score
line 33 underline "femelles"
line 13 underline "dioïques ... avortement"
from End Slip annotation 21 & 22 Rhamnus — dimorphic or polygamous
line 14 underline "hermaphrodites"
lines 23—24 score
lines 8—10 score
from End Slip annotation 21 & 22 Rhamnus — dimorphic or polygamous
line 41 score
line 41 annotation Legumin
from End Slip annotation 42 Leguminosae Dichogamy &c
lines 19—22 score
from End Slip annotation 64 Spartium Dic.
lines 28—33 score
from End Slip annotation 82 Ononis dimorphic
lines 5—12 score
from End Slip annotation 90 Nat. Hybrids
lines 19—29 score
line 28 underline "filets ... neufs"
lines 31—35 score
line 32 underline "renflent ... ferment"
line 1 underline "Globosum"
lines 2—3 underline "les ... les"
lines 10—18 score
from End Slip annotation 188 Nectar-glands Vicia — Dimorphic Vicia
lines 31—37 score
lines 7—11 score
from End Slip annotation 194 Lathyrus. Dimorphic & good gradation
lines 15—19 score
from End Slip annotation 204 Phaseolus — Dic.
lines 10—15 score
from End Slip annotation 213 Lupinus 2 sorts of anthers
lines 39—41 score
lines 34—36 score
lines 34—36 annotation ?
line 35 underline "fleurs infertiles"
lines 15—22 score
from End Slip annotation lines 225—299 Dioicous Legum. Dic
from End Slip annotation 225 Arachis dimorphic
line 36 score
lines 34—38 score
lines 37—41 score
line 39 underline "vers ... arbre"
lines 21—22 score
from End Slip annotation 327 330 333 Epilobium &c Dic
lines 25—30 score
lines 13—17 score
from End Slip annotation 327 330 333 Epilobium &c Dic
lines 20—23 score
lines 28—34 score
lines 35—39 score
lines 35—38 score
line 37 underline "ouvrent ... soir"
lines 16—20 score
from End Slip annotation 327 330 333 Epilobium &c Dic
lines 8—13 score
from End Slip annotation 339 allied genus D. Moth caught by proboscis
lines 25—27 score
lines 30—32 score
line 31 underline "où ... et"
lines 30—38 score
from End Slip annotation 370 Lythrum Dimorphic
lines 34—40 score
lines 1—12 score
from End Note annotation p371 Lythrum
lines 4—12 score
lines 22—24 score
lines 13—21 score
from End Slip annotation 535 Saxifraga Dic.
lines 8—16 score
from End Slip annotation 558 563 565 to 571 Umbellifera Dic
lines 9—21 score
from End Slip annotation 558 563 565 to 571 Umbellifera Dic
lines 6—9 score
from End Slip annotation 558 563 565 to 571 Umbellifera Dic
lines 24—28 score
line 34 apparently unintentional mark
lines 34—37 score
line 35 underline "la ... sessile"
lines 25—29 score
from End Slip annotation 558 563 565 to 571 Umbellifera Dic
lines 13—15 score
from End Slip annotation 610 611 624 627 Flowers of Ray & centre in Umbellifera. Law of Relations; in relation to Daucus — central flowers at 613, 614
lines 6—10 score
from End Slip annotation 610 611 624 627 Flowers of Ray & centre in Umbellifera. Law of Relations; in relation to Daucus — central flowers at 613, 614
lines 22—26 score
line 23 underline "et ... rouge"
from End Slip annotation 610 611 624 627 Flowers of Ray & centre in Umbellifera. Law of Relations; in relation to Daucus — central flowers at 613, 614
line 13 underline "ombellule ... ordinairement"
line 13 annotation see p.611
from End Slip annotation 610 611 624 627 Flowers of Ray & centre in Umbellifera. Law of Relations; in relation to Daucus — central flowers at 613, 614
lines 16—19 score
from End Slip annotation 610 611 624 627 Flowers of Ray & centre in Umbellifera. Law of Relations; in relation to Daucus — central flowers at 613, 614
lines 9—13 score
from End Slip annotation 610 611 624 627 Flowers of Ray & centre in Umbellifera. Law of Relations; in relation to Daucus — central flowers at 613, 614
lines 14—17 score
lines 18—22 score
lines 18—19 underline "la ... femelle"
lines 33—39 score
line 34 underline "femelle centrale"
lines 25—33 score
from End Slip annotation 644 Adoxa central flower, form from position
lines 20—24 score
from End Slip annotation 682, 693 Crucianella. Dic.
top-margin annotation Rubiaceae
lines 7—12 score
from End Slip annotation 682, 693 Crucianella. Dic.
lines 31—40 score
from End Slip annotation 702 Galium sexes separate
lines 30—36 score
from End Slip annotation 732 Scabiosa dimorphic
lines 37—41 score