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All titles related to this item The physiology or mechanism of blushing
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Book Title
The physiology or mechanism of blushing
Publication Details
London, John Churchill, 1839
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Annotation Not Available

annotation horizontally crossed p. 1 Youth more liable — care more for opinion of others
show subjects subjects

annotation Sighhing — Grief
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annotation (Burgess on Blushng
show subjects subjects

annotation p. 1 Youth blushes
show subjects subjects

annotation 10    Description of fear
show subjects subjects

annotation 23    Females blush most
show subjects subjects

annotation 24 Designed by Creator, as check ⧟→ [to `accusers'] Tht01
t01 - `Th' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation horizontally crossed ―    In Ezra & Nehemiah — Bible

annotation horizontally crossed 31    scar in negro blushing

annotation horizontally crossed 33 Mulattos
show subjects concepts

annotation horizontally crossed 34 Otaheitians
show subjects concepts

annotation 38 Albinos blushing — (Iris)

annotation 43 Circassian do — disuse Tht01
t01 - `Th' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation 48 Morbid sensibility    Tht01
t01 - `Th' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation t01 50 Power of accuserst02t03
t01 - `☞' in dark pencil
t02 - `accusers' in dark grey ink over pencil
t03 - `✔' in reddish-orange crayon over pencil

annotation horizontally crossed 54 — Causes
show subjects subjects

annotation horizontally crossed 56 infant do not blush, but reddn with passion. (old age no)t01 (idiot do not blush)
t01 - `(old age no)' in dark grey ink
show subjects subjects

annotation horizontally crossed 61 Hereditary
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation horizontally crossed in dark grey ink 62 Blushing no proof of guilt ✔t01
t01 - `✔' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 68 Rage, expression of — Rage
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed 114 122 } Why face blushes more —
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 125)— Exposure to air.—
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 128 whole body glows
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annotation vertically crossed 133 Sensation on face before blush
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 134 Concomitants of Blushing & shame

annotation /over

annotation horizontally crossed 137
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed p 156 — only a moral «‹or rathr›» ? stimulus excite blush (not a passion) not shruggng shoulders (no s■hyness) commonest of all causes or self consciousness

annotation horizontally crossed 177 Decline of blush
show subjects subjects

annotation N.B Personal remark make a person blush mor than anythng.
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed || It is difficulty on my view that «self-concous» vanity does not cause blush — it is on depressing self-consciousness which alone causes it — No a pretty girl who think a man «is» admirng her will blush— —One is more sensitive to th ill-feeling than good opinion of others.—

annotation in dark grey ink «180 — says depressng — cannot be called either excitg or deprssing»
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annotation horizontally crossed 182    Herditary blushing — 10 children    tear-drop in youngest.t01
t01 - `tear-drop in youngest.' in dark grey ink
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossedin dark grey ink t01 187 «188.»t02 upbraiding shy people makes them worse
t01 - `✔' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `188.' in dark grey ink

annotation in dark grey ink Edgeworth quoted (good)
show subjects subjects

annotation All about Blushng except p. 68 Rage

annotation Burgess on Blushing    p. 10
show subjects subjects

annotation      Fear
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation in regard to voice in Aeneid “Obstupui , steteruntque comae, et vox faucibus haesit.”
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation but ‹som› «th» albinos ‹obsrv› «observed» by Dr. B.
     ‹Dr B› “th slightst attmps to exam them [illegible words] excites blushng”t01
     Dr B observed with ‹th› two albinos ‹whom he examined,› that th — “caused thm to blus deeply. —
t01 - `but ‹som› ... blushng”' in pencil

annotation cancelled p. 10 Exprssion
show subjects concepts

annotation cancelled B. says Blushing Hereditay in one family (both parents being much subject) except in one child diseased with cyanosis ‹heart›.—