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Book Title
Untersuchungen über die Bedeutung der Nektarien in den Blumen
Publication Details
Stuttgart, Henneschen Buchhandlung, 1833
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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annotation Jan. 19 — 1861
     Abstract of whole Book

annotation He asserts that Cruciferae are impregnated before flower opens .

annotation (Kurr) /
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annotation Jan. 13th. /61/.    Nectar an excretion — as seen in Legum. & Laurel — see also Kurr for othr cases.—

annotation In Bracten & flowers takes place only when sun shines — sugar is highly oxidised, & is not Oxygen exhaled when sun shines.—

annotation Nectar is sought eagerly by various insects — C.C. Sprengel, first saw that it is excretion in various parts & organs within flower & its vry general presence in highly organised plants (see Kurr) was of special use t plant by attrctng insects.— He erred in supposing that these visits were for self-fertilistion; though in many cases necessay for self-fertilistn «(a)» & for union of Dioicous plants— The real object as shown by many general considerations is to ensure occasional cross.—
     But how is it in thos flowers, as Papaver & [continues on 2nd fold] & Verbascum ( Kurr) no nectar, yet these genera naturally cross —    I suspect pollen-searchers do th job — But there are some as grasses— conifers, on pollen of which insects do not seem to feed — here wind both unites dioicous & crosses th hermaphrodites —

annotation Often have feathered pistil without pollen in abundance — dangling anther — open naked flower &c &.— & no nectar (except Poa aquatica probaly)
     Think of nmber of Insects which feed chief on Nectar ! .
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annotation [on 1st fold verso] (a)
     A «hermphr» plant not self fertilising itself & thus requiring insect agency, is in fact for same object of crossing
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annotation Nectry p.129
     p133    V tricolor

annotation 99    List of plants without nectar

annotation 102    Nectar rarely secreted before pollen shed but lost afterwards

annotation 115    Cases of nectar secreted outside of flower (does not know of my cases)

annotation 124    Cases of Orchids. which set no seed when spurs cut off.—    but opposite cases given in note
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annotation 126. Viola tricolor bore seed when spur cut off probaly bees do not see & are guided by flower — so with Corydalis lutea

annotation 129    general conclusion frm 441 experiments barely lessened seed.—

annotation 131.    some orchids bore fruit when corolla cut off
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annotation 133 V. tricolor bore fruit
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annotation 135 General conclusion that cutting off corolla did not prevent flower producng fruit. !

annotation 138 «to 142.» General conclusion of whole Book on use of Nectaries — All spoilt by not knwng of use of Crosses .

annotation     Abstract of Kurr on Nectary (Jan 14 1861) (1

annotation p.17    Cyperaceae & Gramineae «Junceae» no nectar
     Arum none. (false)— p 34 Rumex, Atriplex none «Rheum has»
     36 Plantago none

annotation 25 . Calyx of certain Iris secrete Nectar
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annotation 29.    Lip of Butterfly orchis secretes before flower opens ||t01 throws light on secretions in Listera &c
t01 - `||' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation 28∗ Bractae of certain orchids secrete hony
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annotation 29    Cypripedium    no nectar !
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annotation in reddish-orange crayon — 79    Polygala ‹non› vulgaris none ; yet I have seen Hive-Bees smellng «shows how rarely secretion happens»
     «80 Viola same facts»

annotation 39    Small flower with nectar    Veronicas (44 Myosotis)
        54 Galium 2 spe. & Asperula / 64 Epilobium hirsutum & Montanum / 79 Stellaria & Sagina procumbens / 83 Draba verna /

annotation 40    Verbascum none (yet cross naturally)
     ― Solanum tuberosum & several none

annotation 42    Syringa vulgaris none ⸮ whether in own country ?
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annotation 80    The fruitful flowers of Viola have no corolla or nectary — (probaly self-fertilisers)
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annotation 85    In Cruciferae generally fertilisation in unopened flowers. — & Hony after fertilisation some error
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annotation 86    Papaveraceae «(they have the guiding mark of C.C. Sprengel» no nectar

annotation 95. Amentaceae ‹mostly› «(except Salix knwn t be visited by Bees.)» no nectar. or Coniferae—
        Good «as showing use of nectar» in several cases as Gramineae Cyperaceae. & Coniferae where we see structure & pollen showng that wind is Agent No nectar

annotation in reddish-orange crayon ([illegible word])
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annotation p [?]135 ‹[?]Sup› [?]L.
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