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Book Title
In Sachen Darwin's insbesondere contra Wigand
Publication Details
Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1874
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 14—9 double score
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability

lines 1—3 score in pale pencil
lines 20—24 double score in pale pencil
top-marginline 24 annotation in pale pencil It is a mistake to assume all species variable — Yet domestic
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

lines 9—7 score
lines 3—1 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

line 6 score [`bookmark']

lines 4—1 score
line 4bottom-margin annotation if all species varied equally all wd be in confusion
     It may be no selection also ⸮⸮

from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

lines 4—16 score
lines 7—21 annotation vry false calculatn
     nmber of species wd. not arise /
     Case like Rubus

from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

lines 8—1 score
lines 8—1 annotation 2 periods 1) of plasticity & 2) invariant
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

line 5 underline "Biegsamkeit"
line 5 annotation flexibility
top-margin annotation It is strange all Ammnite shd have lost their flexibility at th same time —
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

line 14 score [`bookmark']

lines 18—21 score
line 18bottom-margin annotation if long exposed to same conditions form hardens & loses plasticity — how came it so many domestic forms vary.
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 9—6 score
lines 8—7 underline "sondern ... Art"
bottom-margin annotation Variation makes the form new & vigorous. This is like effects of crossing (a)
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 12—15 score
lines 12—13 annotation (a)
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

lines 1—4 score
top-margin annotation This is proof that the variable forms have given rise to many species.
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
show subjects subjects

lines 8—14 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability

line 20 score [`bookmark']

lines 10—6 score
lines 9—8 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) Yet Terebratulae vy old & yet vry variable ; so Foraminifera
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability

line 4 score [`bookmark']

lines 7—9 annotation without selection
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p. 29.    variations which were perpetuated without selection

lines 15—18 score
lines 15—18 annotation with selection

line 22 underline "Stiefmütterchen"
lines 11—22 annotation Not good soil for many generations— often start from too large fruits— Pang
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.33—«39» Causes why fruit & flowers not made vry large by nature, as under cultivation

line 12 score [`bookmark']

lines 15—21 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.33—«39» Causes why fruit & flowers not made vry large by nature, as under cultivation

lines 9—7 score
line 13bottom-margin annotation no naturalist could improve variability in characters not possessed by the forms
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.33—«39» Causes why fruit & flowers not made vry large by nature, as under cultivation

lines 4—7 score
top-marginline 5 annotation To make gigantic goosbery like gourd tissue wd have to be altered & roots for supply
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p.33—«39» Causes why fruit & flowers not made vry large by nature, as under cultivation

lines 6—11 score in pale pencil
lines 6—11 annotation in pale pencil Cannot act on embryology before Birth
lines 11—17 annotation relation to external conditions
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 40.    Selection cannot act on embryo (in relation to environment.

lines 12—20 score
lines 13—24 annotation odour of insect probably easily changed, & thus wd not pair with old stock.
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 52.    thinks insects feeding on a new kind of plant, wd gain a new odour & wd. then not cross with othr individuals.

line 8 score [`bookmark']

lines 16—11 score
lines 16—11 annotation Eggs varied in their resistance to cold.
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 69    Eggs of silkmoth vary in resistg cold

lines 13—15 score
lines 13—18 annotation struggle between nestlings & Caterpillar
show subjects subjects

lines 20—22 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) found several pigeons killed by Hawks & all were white or yellow vars. !!
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 70.    Several pigeons killed by Hawks all white or yellow vars

lines 8—12 score
lines 8—12 annotation extermination only when (?)

line 5 score
lines 1—8 annotation cancelledin pale pencil On progressive development

lines 6—9 double score
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 90.    In all divergence there is always advance or retrogradation of organisation.

line 1 double score [`bookmark']

line 18 score [`bookmark']

lines 15—10 double score
top-margin10 annotation & protected frm rain «& evaporation» & stored for use — & savng of Honey from other preyers
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil p 102    good nectar

line 9 score [`bookmark']

lines 17—21 score
lines 18—19 underline "nothwendige ... Augenlider"
lines 15—22 annotation The nictitatng membran a necssry correlatn of Eyelids
from End Slip 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 114.    nictitatng membrane a necessary correlation of eyelids.

line 16 apparently unintentional mark

line 1 score [`bookmark']

lines 4—8 score
lines 7—9 underline "unter ... findet"

lines 5—1 score
lines 8—30 annotation Thinks males are sacrificed to protect ♀ for good of species ???

line 3 score [`bookmark']

line 13 score [`bookmark']

lines 3—11 score
top-margin annotation With each new change — process «of evolution» necssary thrwn backwads — not so with insects
from End Slip 4 annotation in light grey ink 176. «to 183.» Each new modification necessarily throws back th embryological stages, unless whole evolution is longer — (not so with insects)
show subjects subjects

lines 14—11 score
show subjects subjects

lines 1—7 score
from End Slip 4 annotation in light grey ink 176. «to 183.» Each new modification necessarily throws back th embryological stages, unless whole evolution is longer — (not so with insects)
show subjects subjects

line 13 score [`bookmark']

lines 13—18 score
lines 12—21 annotation Instinct of Dogs to scratch backwads variable
show subjects subjects

lines 1—11 score
lines 2—3 annotation Expression
from End Note annotation 243—244 Expression
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil p 243 Expression

lines 3—4 score
top-margin annotation good criticism— an habitual movemt implies nervous force —    I ought to say nervous force independently of any use —
from End Note annotation 243—244 Expression

line 1 score in dark pencil

lines 18—19 apparently unintentional mark in pale pencil

line 23 score
annotation X
show subjects concepts

lines 2—27 annotation Accuses me of confondng Reflex & half-volntary movemnts

annotation 106 Climbers
show subjects subjects

annotation 243—244 Expression
show subjects concepts