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Book Title
Elements of physiology
Publication Details
London, Taylor & Walton, 1838-1842
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation Passions
show subjects concepts

annotation [written over next four annotations] in dark pencil (Q)
show subjects concepts

annotation 928    Consensual movements — at birth in eyes.

annotation 935    instinctive walking ( Heredetary easy flow of nervous force to certain muscles) 939, 943

annotation 946 Definition of instinct . 947 —

annotation 949 — 950 on importance of Coordination.

annotation in dark pencil (Müller Phys 2d vol )
show subjects concepts

annotation [written over next two annotations] in dark pencil (Q)
show subjects concepts

annotation 965 Rudiments of toe in Horse & Pig do not touch ground
show subjects subjects

annotation 1344    Instinct — 1347 innate ideas — 1361

annotation 1405    Argument that monsters not due to imagination of Mother. (good)

annotation 1407    on temperaments of th old writers shows rubbish.—
show subjects subjects

annotation [written over next two annotations] in pale pencil ( Pangenesis )
show subjects concepts

annotation 1425    A Polype is a multiple of all tht is necessary for developmnt of individual
show subjects subjects

annotation 1437    A good sentence in relation of reproduction «in relation to Doubleday»t01 in connexion with superfluity for own Life
t01 - `in relation to Doubleday' in brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 1453    Tape-worms either bend & fertilize themselves or two unite — Shows how important crossing must be as pollen of later dichogam. flower wasted & so with Lymnaei
show subjects subjects

annotation 1454. Tendra is it Bryozoon? sexes distinct
show subjects subjects

annotation 1458 Rudolphi has enlarged on Sexual differences in his Beitrage Pangt01
t01 - `Pang' in pale pencil

annotation 1478    Imperfect Spermatozoa of Hybrids

annotation 1569    Membrane of egg agrees with membrane of uterus (Mem Fish comng to have Placenta
show subjects subjects

annotation 1592. On how far true that all embryos resemble each other.

annotation 1596 on embryo Torpedo increasng in weight in womb (a sort of Placenta) «1597» ‹stated before some«where in vol 2»› (striking case of Passage)
show subjects subjects

annotation 1599    great difference in 2 species of Mustelus in placentationt01
t01 - `in placentation' in brown ink
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 1610    Relation of Vertebrae in Fish to embryos of higher animals
show subjects subjects

annotation 1622    Sharks have gills during early part alone of embryonic life
show subjects subjects

annotation 1661    Definition of Species
show subjects concepts

annotation 1662    On th two causes of Variation: innate & external

annotation 1663 characters fixed by long intermarrying

annotation in pale pencil None hardly worth buying see Coll of Surgeons
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation p. 1458 Refernce to book on secondary male characters —

annotation p. 1478 Wagner Physiologie on Hybrids — & in (note p. 1661) German Translat, of Prichard
show subjects concepts

annotation p 1661    Rudolphi Beitrage zur Anthropologie, treats of Species & Hybrids —
show subjects concepts

annotation p. 1671.    List of good Books on Races of Man —
     List of good Bookst01
t01 - `List of good Books' in pale pencil

annotation in pencilhorizontally crossed 1144    frowning

annotation 870
show subjects concepts

annotation 934 Book on Expression
show subjects concepts

annotation 936 to 950
     1110 to —17 to 25
show subjects concepts

annotation 1144 1150 } Expression
show subjects concepts

annotation 1148
     (Appendix p 8)
show subjects concepts

annotation 1311 Expression
show subjects concepts

annotation 1315
show subjects concepts

annotation 1318 Instinct
     1328 do
show subjects concepts

annotation 1335
     1347 to 1364
     p. 1384
     ‹to› 1407
     1421 to end
show subjects concepts

annotation in pencil / Best abstract against metamorphism which I have seen /

annotation vertically crossed 1335
show subjects concepts

annotation [boxed in centre] Expression
     933, 34
show subjects concepts

annotation 1311 (See Passions, Index)

annotation 1328
show subjects concepts

annotation 1351 animals & man's mind compared
show subjects concepts

annotation 1399
show subjects concepts

annotation 1144 frowning short sighted people close eyelid & frown