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Book Title
A history of British fossil mammals and birds
Publication Details
London, John Van Voorst, 1846
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation Ch. Darwin
show subjects concepts

annotation Owen — Queries ?
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed p. 81.—t01
     83, 7t02
t01 - `p. 81.—' horizontally crossed
t02 - `83, 7' horizontally crossed
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed p 212—    Refernc to Corsica cavern
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation p 441 & 432 { How «far are» ‹were› Anoplotherium & Palaeotherium «‹or rather the t›» distinct ; are thy are as distinct as «are at» present «the» unequal & equal-toed Pach-Rum:---- or rather were th two Eocene groups of equal and unequal toed animals as distinct, as present 2 groups —

annotation      p 245. weight of tusks 160 lb.

annotation      All Intr■oduct■ion
show subjects concepts

annotation It is important S. Americ havg Mammal in Eocene Toxodon ■ & Rio Negro & Miocene Mastodon /

annotation p. 7, 8, 10
     31■ [■]
     53, 5, 6
     61, 2, 7
     74, 6
     80, 3, 6 to 91
     107, 9, 12
     114, 7
     130, 1, 3, 5
     171 ,3
     202, 8
     213, 4, 5
     243, 4
     293, 5, 6
     334, «341» 342
     346, 50 ,354
     372, 381, 5
     388, 90, 92, 97
     413, 14, 18
     427, 29, 30, 32
     lines 436—441
show subjects concepts

annotation XX Most of caves animals also found in Strata This looks as if record not so imperfect }
show subjects subjects

annotation p. 131.    How few skeletons even «any number of» perfect Crania! though enough to make out species

annotation in dark brown ink Oxen [he means `Owen'?] B. Blanca. Toxodon plateumt01
t01 - `B. Blanca ... plateum' cancelled in pencil

annotation cancelled p. XXI
     p. 28
show subjects concepts

annotation cancelled How far can close species be distinguished by skeletons for instance Amercn & English Beaver

annotation How isolated would th Elephant be without fossils— How th pachydermata & Ruminanta fall into 2 new classes with this [?]art01 Mastodon & Dinotherium to connect it with Tapir? or Palaeotherium
t01 - `How th ... [?]ar' horizontally crossed

annotation p. 442
     p. 449
     p. 451, 2, 4
     p. 458
     p 467, 8
     473, 8
     493, 4
     499, 500
     505, 8
     540, 2
     546, 8
show subjects concepts

annotation (‹1›

annotation XXI.    Dinotherium & narrow t. Mastodon diminish distance between Lophiodon & Elelphant

annotation XXXVII — On relation of fossil to recent mammals of same districts to XLIII no fossil Mammal in N. Zealand — XLIV except seal. — Huxley.—t01
t01 - `except seal ... Huxley.—' in brown ink

annotation 87.    variability in rudimentary premolar in Ursus ‹sl› spelaeus
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annotation 111    Badger oldest existing Mammal Red Crag

annotation 133 ; 2 varieties of Dog ‹in› doubtful case.— (Q)
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annotation 173.    Domestic cat. not frm F. maniculata
show subjects subjects

annotation 197.    On th animals which have existed since Peat cd form in Britain.—
show subjects subjects

annotation 212    Rabbit Bones in Corsica
     214 Lagomys do & in Britain

annotation N.B variability of Tusks of male Elephant in India is a variable sexual character
show subjects subjects

annotation 261    Southern range of Mammoth in America. p 359 of «woolly Rhinoceros in Tuscany»

annotation 296    Mastodon older than Elephas & intermdiate in structure of teeth
show subjects subjects

annotation 334 342 } affinity shown by rudimentary organ

annotation (2

annotation 394    Elasmotherium forms link between Horse & Rhinoceros, especially some fossil Horses.

annotation 413. fossil genera between Sus & Hippopotamus
show subjects subjects

annotation 432 Anophotherium, remarks on rudimentry teeth in Ruminants ; young of latter approach anoplotherium.—
show subjects subjects

annotation (N.B. A form whilst forming would not spread —?)

annotation p. 436 cannon-bone double

annotation 540    on Rudimentry teeth in Whales ,& embryonic character in Ruminants
show subjects subjects

annotation 514. Bos longifrons parent of British wild cattle