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Book Title
Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunaechst am Schweineschaedel
Publication Details
Berlin, Wiegandt & Hempel, 1864
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation (Used)
     Nathusius Schweinchaedel

annotation      Nathusius p. 2

annotation p. 104 «X»t01 The culture, shape of skull does not depend upon race
     most different races have it, yet most seem crossed with the Indian.
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation p. 105 «X»t01 about bull-dogs & Nata cattle
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 106 but common swine have not the short culture-head
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 113 the Diploe different in wild & culture races.
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil      Extremest culture-skulls
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 131 «X»t01 Great Yorkshire race — probably crossed with Indian, has all its characters. wonderful changes incisors do not touch. not monstrosities for all inheritedt02
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - underlined in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 133 «X»t01 articular surfaces of condiles of occiput modified head not much used
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 134 case for brain not much changed
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 135 all these great changes only a climax of those seen in wild boar races
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 136 all house pigs belong to the above two races

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 138 «X»t01 1/32 even 1/64 of Indian blood is sufficient plainly to modify the skull
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 138 great differences in the ears &c &c in the 2 great tribes

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 139 all Indian Swine introduced into Englandt01 have short ears
t01 - underlined in Darwin's hand, in pencil
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 140 « Xt01    (Qt02t03 Berkshire swine of 1780 is quite different from that of 1810 & since that time 2 quite difft races have borne that name
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `(Q)' in pencil
t03 - `X    (Q)' in Darwin's hand
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil | 141 All the «new» English breeds seem to have Indian blood

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 142 Sculptures in Herculaneum shew no doubt that Neapolitan breed then existed. this breed & Andalusian & Rutimeyer's grau bundtner race are all like Roman therefore like the Indians

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 144 Roman probably is a cross from the Indian
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 146 is not convinced that the turf-swine was wild, but will not dispute it — 147. gives reasons why with swine difficult to tell —

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 148 in India wild cross with tame
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 149 almost certain that turf & Indian closely allied
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 150 curly swine with curly wool in South East Europe from lower Hungary — closely allied to Indian

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 153 Japan swine in skull is near to Indian. 157 certainly stands near to short-eared Chinese race.

annotation (Used)

annotation t01 Laws      Nathus    Pigs (1
t01 - `' in pencil
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annotation p. 2. «X»t01 Gestation earlier in Culture-races & features less matured.
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation 20— teeth developed in well-fed races
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 63. S. scrofa — tamed races — ‹face shortened› greter height of head in relation to length — in all dimesions broader — «p. 66» all differences variable. .68.— «in tamed» intermediate «in character» betwen yong & old wild Explains changed shape by less use of routing in grnd.

annotation vertically crossedin pencil 71.    The position of rows of teeth a constant character .
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 72.    Much individual variability.
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 74. «X»t01 In these swine beginning of changes more plainly seen in culture-races —
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil vertically crossedin pencil 75 These swine in Russia & all over N. & central Europe.

annotation vertically crossedin pencil 76. Difference in length of Ears — hair-colour, length of limbs & shape of body all different.
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil      Indian.
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annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 77 Almost all now crossed with Indian; not known wild. comes from China
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annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 83 Shortness of lachrymals most remarkable character
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annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 86 And the shape of the palate & position of row of teeth
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annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 89 position of last upper molar— 89 Considerable «X»t01 slight differences in teeth — 90 width of fore part of palate does not depend solely on divergence of pre-molars
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 91 «X»t01 skull broader in relation to length than in common swine
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon

annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 94 Indian swine a distinct species if no reference made to domestication.
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annotation [t01 Culture races ]t02
t01 - `[' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
t02 - `]' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
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annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 95 the above Indian pigs not more affected by culture than common swine
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annotation [alongside next three annotations] in Darwin's hand, in blue crayon Laws |
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annotation not in Darwin's hand 99 Berkshire not high culture race & descended from Indian, a born dispeptic individual had skull much modified & legs elongated, & period of appearance of the teeth & crowns of molar «X»t01 teeth affected.
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon

annotation not in Darwin's hand 103 rich food during youth gives short & broad head.

annotation not in Darwin's hand, vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 103 «X»t01 in high culture races the incisors stand much higher than back teeth; the canines of upper jaw stand before the canines of under jaw & this is a most remarkable anomaly.
t01 - `X' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon

annotation      Nathusius p. 3.
show subjects concepts

annotation 160 Rutimeyer has shewn that N. African wild swine is like European

annotation 163. S. verrucosus excluded 164. S. Celebensis skull like last

annotation 165 S. vittatus from Java like skull like Indian

annotation 166 S. Timoriensis close to vittatus
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annotation 167 in S. barbatus tho' with long face, lachrymal bones are short
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annotation 168 S. lucomistax from Japan like S. vittatus

annotation 169 Aru wild Pig
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annotation in Darwin's hand, in dark brown ink 173. Summary on wild swine
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annotation in Darwin's hand, in dark brown ink 175. Diagnosis

annotation in Darwin's hand, in dark brown ink 185 wild Boar of Hindustan
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