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Book Title
Introduction á la zoologie générale
Publication Details
Paris, Victor Masson, 1851
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 4—7 score

top-margin annotation 7
show subjects concepts

lines 13—14 score
lines 13—14 score
from Front Slip annotation p 7    Diversity of organisms first condition of nature    (Ch. 4)
show subjects subjects

lines 3—4 score
line 3 underline "sobre d'innovations"
lines 4—7 annotation (Q)
lines 6—7 underline "autant ... économe"
line 10 underline "loi d'économie"
lines 9—12 annotation in pale brown ink (Q)
lines 5—2 score
lines 3—2 underline "à ... nouvelle"
from Front Slip annotation p 9    Law of “economy of nature”— “sober in innovations” — (Q)t01
     — has not recourse to any new creation of organ. other strong expressions «on do» p. 10 (Q)
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

lines 6—7 score
line 7 underline "rendent avare"
lines 7—12 annotation (Q)
line 12 underline "quarante mille"
lines 10—8 score
line 9 underline "seule ... physiologique"
from Front Slip annotation p 9    Law of “economy of nature”— “sober in innovations” — (Q)t01
     — has not recourse to any new creation of organ. other strong expressions «on do» p. 10 (Q)
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

lines 13—16 score
from Front Slip annotation 13 nature varies degree of perfection, «(Q)» p 14 as embryonic developmnt

lines 9—17 score
line 11 underline "puissance"
line 12 underline "perfection"
line 15 underline "quantité"
line 16 underline "qualité de"

lines 5—2 score
lines 5—4 annotation X
lines 3—2 score
bottom-margin annotation X Best way of putting superiority, — though each perfectly (?) (Can young be said to be perfectly?) adapted to conditions.
from Front Slip annotation 21 On Highness & Lowness . p. 25 to 34.

lines 4—9 score
from Front Slip annotation 21 On Highness & Lowness . p. 25 to 34.

lines 2—5 score
lines 3—4 annotation X
top-margin annotation X Is tree individual? Gigantic Saurians.— Cetacea — Pachydermata    Devonian Sharks
from Front Slip annotation 21 On Highness & Lowness . p. 25 to 34.

lines 17—18 underline "on ... se"
lines 16—19 annotation Megatherium
show subjects subjects

lines 8—10 score
line 10 underline "la ... dont"
line 10 at "vitale" annotation X
top-margin annotation X How value secreting, muscular & nervous ‹og› organs.
from Front Slip annotation 21 On Highness & Lowness . p. 25 to 34.

line 2 underline "n'entraîne pas nécéssairement"
from Front Slip annotation 21 On Highness & Lowness . p. 25 to 34.

top-margin annotation So relation of size to warmth of Climate

lines 1—4 double score
line 3 underline "cette ... nature"
line 4 underline "ce ... seulement"
from Front Slip annotation 21 On Highness & Lowness . p. 25 to 34.

lines 16—17 score
lines 17—18 underline "se répéter"
lines 16—20 annotation vegetative repetition
     cellular division

lines 1—5 score
lines 9—12 score
from Front Slip annotation 21 On Highness & Lowness . p. 25 to 34.

lines 13—15 score
from Front Slip annotation 35. Division of «(Q)» Labour p. 57 do p. 60    (p 61 X)t01 (Q)
t01 - `(p 61 X)' horizontally crossed

lines 1—3 double score
from Front Slip annotation 35. Division of «(Q)» Labour p. 57 do p. 60    (p 61 X)t01 (Q)
t01 - `(p 61 X)' horizontally crossed

lines 8—11 score
lines 15—18 score
from Front Slip annotation 35. Division of «(Q)» Labour p. 57 do p. 60    (p 61 X)t01 (Q)
t01 - `(p 61 X)' horizontally crossed

lines 9—11 score
from Front Slip annotation 35. Division of «(Q)» Labour p. 57 do p. 60    (p 61 X)t01 (Q)
t01 - `(p 61 X)' horizontally crossed

lines 15—17 score
from Front Slip annotation 35. Division of «(Q)» Labour p. 57 do p. 60    (p 61 X)t01 (Q)
t01 - `(p 61 X)' horizontally crossed

line 8 underline "un ... nouveau"
lines 10—9 annotation X (Q)
from Front Slip annotation 35. Division of «(Q)» Labour p. 57 do p. 60    (p 61 X)t01 (Q)
from Front Slip annotation x 61 «Q» Nature rarely introduces a new organ «p. 64» p 65 In Squilla new organ introduced (Q)
     but Cirripedes have show how cautioust01 one must be p. 118 do.t02 p. 121. do (Q)
t01 - `(p 61 X)' horizontally crossed
t01 - `but Cirripedes ... cautious' horizontally crossed
t02 - `p. 118 do.' horizontally crossed
show subjects subjects

lines 8—11 score in dark pencil
lines 9—10 annotation in dark pencil X

lines 13—21 score
lines 14—15 annotation (Q)
from Front Slip annotation x 61 «Q» Nature rarely introduces a new organ «p. 64» p 65 In Squilla new organ introduced (Q)
     but Cirripedes have show how cautioust01 one must be p. 118 do.t02 p. 121. do (Q)
t01 - `but Cirripedes ... cautious' horizontally crossed
t02 - `p. 118 do.' horizontally crossed

lines 1—13 score
lines 1—3 underline in dark pencil "d'organes ... perfectionné"
lines 4—5 underline in dark pencil "déterminent ... surface"
lines 1—4 annotation in dark pencil (Q)
from Front Slip annotation x 61 «Q» Nature rarely introduces a new organ «p. 64» p 65 In Squilla new organ introduced (Q)
     but Cirripedes have show how cautioust01 one must be p. 118 do.t02 p. 121. do (Q)
t01 - `but Cirripedes ... cautious' horizontally crossed
t02 - `p. 118 do.' horizontally crossed
show subjects subjects

lines 12—16 score

lines 9—8 score
lines 9—5 underline "ne ... spéciaux"
from Front Slip annotation 68 «(Q)» clearly admits that new organs are at last created .p 118 do

lines 2—1 score

lines 17—20 score
lines 18—20 score

lines 5—1 score
line 5 underline "Généralisant ... vagues"

lines 15—18 score
line 19 underline "grossières"

line 15 underline "est ... mouvant"
lines 13—7 multiple score
lines 4—1 score
line 3 underline "s'éloignera ... deux"
from Front Slip annotation p 102 not arrest p 112 p 114

lines 12—16 score
lines 9—6 score
from Front Slip annotation p 102 not arrest p 112 p 114

line 7 underline "besoin ... variété"
lines 8—6 annotation poor !
line 5 underline "tendance ... économie"
lines 8—5 score
lines 8—5 annotation poor !

lines 11—13 double score
lines 12—13 underline "puis ... instruments"
top-marginline 13 annotation This vry important; if proved upset changes in specis
from Front Slip annotation 68 «(Q)» clearly admits that new organs are at last created .p 118 do
from Front Slip annotation x 61 «Q» Nature rarely introduces a new organ «p. 64» p 65 In Squilla new organ introduced (Q)
     but Cirripedes have show how cautioust01 one must be p. 118 do.t02 p. 121. do (Q)
t01 - `but Cirripedes ... cautious' horizontally crossed
t02 - `p. 118 do.' horizontally crossed
show subjects subjects

lines 8—10 score cancelled
show subjects subjects

lines 6—1 double score
line 4 underline "types fondamentaux"
line 2 underline "types secondaires"

lines 9—3 score
lines 10—5 annotation (Q) !!
lines 5—4 underline "s'enrichit ... combiné"
lines 5—3 annotation ?
from Front Slip annotation x 61 «Q» Nature rarely introduces a new organ «p. 64» p 65 In Squilla new organ introduced (Q)
     but Cirripedes have show how cautioust01 one must be p. 118 do.t02 p. 121. do (Q)
t01 - `but Cirripedes ... cautious' horizontally crossed
t02 - `p. 118 do.' horizontally crossed

lines 2—1

lines 8—7 underline "un ... exemple"
lines 9—8 annotation ?
lines 9—6 annotation only functionally or physiologically new
show subjects subjects

lines 13—18 annotation Marsupial parallel
lines 19—21 score
lines 6—1 score
from Front Slip annotation p 124 Parallel series

lines 3—4 score
line 3 underline "de fusion primordiale"
line 4 underline "développement confus"
from Front Slip annotation 132 on different kinds of fusion or union 137
from End Note 2 annotation cancelled p lines 132—137 fusion primordiale

lines 7—5 score
from Front Slip annotation 132 Rudimentary organs tend to become separated from proper connexions !
show subjects subjects

lines 15—16 score
line 16 underline "un ... confus"
lines 14—16 annotation X

lines 19—22 score in pale pencil
lines 19—22 annotation in pale pencil X
from Front Slip annotation 132 on different kinds of fusion or union 137
from End Note 2 annotation cancelled p lines 132—137 fusion primordiale

lines 7—1 score
lines 9—8 underline "la disparition"
line 7 underline "jeune"

lines 16—11 score
from Front Slip annotation 138 absolute disappearance of organs

line 8 score
line 8 underline "la répétition"
lines 3—1 score

[continues overleaf] 15 underline "vitales ... pouvaient"
lines 13—7 score
line 11 underline "loi ... balancement"
line 10 underline "tenir compte"
line 7 underline "comme ... considérable"
lines 3—1 score
from Front Slip annotation 141 Law of Balancement of minor importance

line 17 underline "texture ... propriétés"

lines 17—20 score
line 19 underline "connexions anatomiques"
lines 20—24 score
lines 25—27 score
lines 1—24 annotation because even monstrosity cd not invent—; manner of grwth + hereditariness
     p. 151

from Front Slip annotation 148 Law of connexions.    151    .154

line 4 underline "fixité ... rapports"
line 5 underline "tendance"

lines 4—14 score
top-marginline 15 annotation / are not these parts last-formed in womb & so exposed to mor modifyng circumstncs ?

lines 6—4 score
lines 6—4 annotation !?
from Front Slip annotation 148 Law of connexions.    151    .154

line 16bottom-margin annotation «one feels» an early embryo more independent of outside world, but why? so less apt to vary — the late-‹par› formed parts exposed to sum of influences. & t selection; selection cd not act on embryo /

lines 9—5 score
from Front Slip annotation 161 If one part is changed others are changed (so with varieties «& monstrosities of» of gross nature)

lines 9—12 score
lines 9—14 score
lines 10—11 underline "harmonies empiriques"

lines 9—10 underline "principe ... caractères"
from Front Slip annotation 165 On subordination of characters ; i.e. character in connexion with others (Jussieu) «(p. 166 «p 169» doubts this.» p 171

lines 15—13 score
line 7 underline "répondre affirmativement"
lines 5—2 score
from Front Slip annotation 165 On subordination of characters ; i.e. character in connexion with others (Jussieu) «(p. 166 «p 169» doubts this.» p 171

lines 7—6 score
from Front Slip annotation 165 On subordination of characters ; i.e. character in connexion with others (Jussieu) «(p. 166 «p 169» doubts this.» p 171

lines 8—4 score

lines 6—11 score
line 8 underline "conséquences"
line 10 underline "effets"
from Front Slip annotation 165 On subordination of characters ; i.e. character in connexion with others (Jussieu) «(p. 166 «p 169» doubts this.» p 171

line 2 underline "caractères prédominants"

lines 8—16 score

lines 17—19 score
lines 20—22 score
line 20 underline "système dentaire"
from Front Slip annotation 172. on value of Characters in classification
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 3—2 underline "devenu ... physiologique"
line 2 annotation
from Front Slip annotation 172. on value of Characters in classification

lines 9—11

annotation p lines 132—137 fusion primordiale