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Book Title
Principles of comparative physiology
Publication Details
London, John Churchill, 1854
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation 16 on highness & lowness
show subjects concepts

annotation 79 — High Fish. N.B. I think on this subject there is much difference whether we look to Fish «( alone or to other classes. ??»

annotation 92 same number of cervical vertebrae in Giraffe & Whale — As in Reptiles only 2 sacral vertebrae in Kangaroo

annotation 96. top — special from th general in development

annotation 101 Rudimentary & not developed used as synonyms. [as well to talk of ‹a› the final s in generitive , which is rudiment of his, as prophetic of new change, as in Rudimtry organ]

annotation 102 Compensation,— Balancement (only terms )

annotation 107 Fossils approach nearer to Archetypal form & to embryos of recent forms
        p 110 Examples

annotation p. 112 «old forms» intermdiate or rathr with various characters combined, which are now separate [an admiralbe summary chiefly from Owen on this subject]
        p 117 Summary of do.

annotation 122 Even Carpenter believes plethoric population «(Q)» breeds less. so did Hugh Miller; must fight «(against»

annotation 131 Even the most specialised organs retain other & more general powers (Q)

annotation 257 On 3 Kinds of Lungs in Fishes (N.Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 271. same organ ,viz. heart, in 2 Classes developed at vry different rate.

annotation 272 «277» } Branchial vessels in loops in young chick like those in Fish or tadpole

annotation 279 Branching from aorta vry variable in man

annotation 320 Gradation in Respiratory organs «(N.Q)» Wings of insects Branchiae: [?]Reuse of «(swimmg bladder «& [?]original fraena» into wings»
show subjects subjects

annotation in pale pencil 322. respiratory organs in Arachnidae & Vertebrates (N. Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation in pale pencil 332 Branchial slits

annotation in pale pencil 359 Pagets explanation of Rudiments (false)
show subjects subjects

annotation Carpenter Comp Anatomy
     lent to L. K. [?]Bruce
show subjects concepts

annotation 405. Atrophy of muscle & bone when nerve cut of hind leg of Rabbit
show subjects subjects

annotation 413, 425 «433» Glands are fd. of utmost simplicity in lower animals — Mammary, Biliary & Urinary

annotation 448. thinks light of larvae of glowworm for Birds to feed on them (! Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 458. Birds «(Q)» quits eggs when temperature 71° or 72° — not instinct or feeling ?
show subjects subjects

annotation 465 «(Q)» The "proper electric current" of frog has curious analogy with electric discharge of Fish
show subjects subjects

annotation 467 «(Q)» Electrical Fishes, 470 . 471    Explanation of ■   
show subjects subjects

annotation 477 «to 79 80» I had better allude to Spallanzani experiments of regrowth to show nisus formativus

annotation 480    On Double Monsters being a division of one.—
show subjects concepts

annotation Good discussion on Nisus.

annotation 493 . Abstract of M. Thuret on sexes of Fuci .(Chapt. 3)
show subjects concepts

annotation 553 Medusae generally have sexes separate
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 561 Synapta hermaphrodite differently from ‹most› all other Echinodermata ■   
show subjects subjects

annotation 569 Hermaphrodite Byrozoa «F.W.» false
show subjects subjects

annotation 573 Salpidae . Dichogamous
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 574 Lamellibranch generlly hermaphrodite
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annotation 575 Davaine Carpenter seems to doubt their Dichogamy

annotation p 577 Pteropoda require congress of two 589 «Planariae do»
show subjects subjects

annotation 577 Eggs of Limnaeus can be dried up & revivified
show subjects subjects

annotation 590    On Ascaria 64 Million Eggs. (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 592    Dorsibranchiate Annelids dioicous, Tubicolae do. being fixed by Water — 595■ Myriopoda do.

annotation 602 In White Ants , soldiers are Pupae    (N.Q)
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annotation 608 Some Acaridae hermaphrodite , water or land ? ■     
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annotation 610 Fallopian & Placenta foreshadowed in Fish ■   
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annotation 627 Explanation of 2d young taking after 1st Father

annotation    Chapter on Development might read to see on law of most developed soonest ‹altered› developed

annotation 633 Orchis case, another instance
show subjects subjects

annotation 635 Decandolle says th more common & robust plants vary most

annotation 690 Secondarily automatic — mastication without will

annotation 693, 4 Definition of instinct — 696 Relation to habitual (N.B. origin seems chief differnc «between ‹exper› instinct & H■abit»

annotation 726    Different position of eyes, shows I think all org never cd become sensorial (NQ)

annotation 730 Eye of Cephalopods (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 734 Eye avoids sperical aberration & chromatic aberration ■

annotation p. 3
     p. 15
     p. 16 to 42 to r
     p. 257
     p. 271
     p. 273, 7
     p. 291
     p. 309
     p. 313
     p. 317
     p. 319
     p. 322 to p. 332
     p. 359
     p 377
     p 405
     p 413
     p 425
     p 433
     p 448
     p. 458
     p. 467
     p. 476 to 480
     575 to 585 to 610 to end
show subjects concepts

annotation The difference between high & low in Fish, I think, is whether other classes are considered besides Fish.

annotation deleted So many insects, It is vry odd how many inhabitants of Fresh Water — Gasteropods — Insects — Spiders — Plants are land-productions metamorphosed & not marine productions. How few have passed on to the Sea. Hence so few Radiata in F. Water The Sea has Whales, Seals & Penguins & formerly Lizards, Sea-Snakes, Turtles

annotation p. 480 Regrowth of thumb — Doubling of Germ