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Book Title
Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich
Publication Details
Stuttgart, [s.n.], 1849
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
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Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation Gaertner Bastardzeugung.
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annotation in brown ink (Oct. 1855
     This work is abstracted & abstracts distributed, except th Bundle herein enclosed.
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annotation p. 521 to p. 524 on germination of Hybrid seed. & all seeds.

annotation The abstract has been carefully compared with those of all Köelreuter & Herbert &c &c &c
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annotation p 602 Mothers name first

annotation p. 444t01 Definition of Gemischte & zusammengesetze Bastarde & Ausnahmen typus.t02
     p 502    Better definition & examplest03
t01 - `p. 444' in pale pencil
t02 - `Definition of ... typus.' in dark pencil
t03 - `p 502 ... examples' in pale pencil
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annotation in dark pencil Griffel style

annotation in pale pencil p. 602 Nicotiana «‹Female›» glutinosa ♀ «Mother» — «male ♂» perenne «Father»
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annotation in pale pencil p 429    Explanation of Koelreuter “auf-steigenden Grad” absteigended grad p. 451

annotation The real odd thing is in hybrids, that not ‹one m› varieties not thus affected & 2d that offspring are sterile . /

annotation in pale pencil Does he give any case of two wild varieties when crossed , producing a more variable offsprng than ‹pur› true species ? in first generation , because this difference in variability he makes an important distinction in vars & species (p 581)

annotation      Hybrids
show subjects concepts

annotation Does pistil or stamen ever become monstrous? { Stigma ‹Pistil› becomes mor dividedt01
t01 - `{ Stigma ... divided' in pale pencil

annotation / In Hybrid-offsprng
     Does Male sex somtims fail & sometim female or «always» both «equally» ?
     which most often /

annotation Relation of Hybridisation to Variability /
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annotation Dissimalirity of Mongrel offsprng . /

annotation in dark pencil Did Kolreuter cross many Silene «vide» p. 140 of Gaertner . ? /
show subjects concepts

annotation Do not two Hybrids breed easier together . sometims than each with self — for ths wd upset Gaertners explanation of weakened pollen. —

annotation      (For p. 178)t01
     1. P. acaulis P. vulgaris.    Primrose. a speciest02
     2 P. elatior (calycantha)
     3 P. elatior (communis)    — — P. elatior.    Oxlip, true plant. a speciest03
     4 P. veris (officinalis)    — — P. veris.    Cowslip. — — a speciest04
     5 P. veris (officinalis) calycantha
     6 P. calycantha (elatior)
     N.B. in Nr 3. “communis” sometime in Bracket, sometimes not.—
        No 5. I presume must be some blunder of Printers
        No 6. ■ Can these names have been reversed by Printer
t01 - `(For p. 178)' in pencil
t02 - `P. vulgaris ... species' not in Darwin's hand
t03 - `— — P. elatior ... species' not in Darwin's hand
t04 - `— — P. veris ... species' not in Darwin's hand
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annotation not in Darwin's hand The plants named calycantha are forms of the several sepcies in which the calyx has become very much emlarged and coloured to a more or less extent (usually greatly) like the corrolla. The name is ‹tha› found so used in the German system & lists such as Martens and Koch Deutschl. Flora, &c. P. elatior var. calycantha was once called a species (P. calycantha) by Retz. Turn

annotation By “communis” is merely intended “common form”. It is not a name. No 5. veris and officinalis are synonymous terms, ‹both› each having been used to denominate the true cowslip which by Linnaeus was called P. veris α. officinalis.

annotation in Darwin's hand, in pencil / ( C. C. Babington )

annotation Books of great importance to Refer to
     Note 62 — 67 — 17 } p. 734 of this Book—
show subjects concepts

annotation (p. 157 Seeds lng retaining vitality)

annotation p. 142    See to this important
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annotation (p 577 fertility of dogs.)
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation (Has he ever experimented on th umwandelung of Varieties .?)

annotation in brown ink p. 640 Genera which produce good pollen & ovules & yet require pollen of other species to fertilise them..

annotation (p. 387    Digitalis for comparison with Herbert)
show subjects concepts

annotation p. 418    Ask Author
     There are facts on variation.—

annotation Ask Author
     p. 84    Were any of «th» mongrel Peas reared ?

annotation p.92(?)t01 stet
     p. 102.
t01 - `p.92(?)' horizontally crossed
show subjects concepts

annotation Table of Primula
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annotation p 577
     p 578
     p. 579 —
show subjects concepts

annotation (86 dirct actn of pollen)
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annotation (322    Maize   )
show subjects subjects

annotation Treviranus «p 292» ought to be read .    He seems a Lamarckian.

annotation Gaertner Bastard When read make Abstract; & read one abstract of Koelreuter & make abstract of Herbert & look over Portfolio When finished read Berkeley Criticisms on ...