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Book Title
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Befruchtung der vollkommeneren Gewächse
Publication Details
Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1844
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
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Annotation Not Available

annotation (This is Index of whole volume)
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annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

annotation p. 104 on time of shedding pollen

annotation to p 119 on contabescence

annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

annotation    137— on pollen varyg in specis & individual of Dianthus
show subjects subjects

annotation p 137    on fertility of vars of Verbascum according t colour.
     t p. 148 .
show subjects subjects

annotation     --------

annotation p. 220 .p 222
show subjects concepts

annotation     ----

annotation p 242 .
show subjects concepts

annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.
show subjects concepts

annotation     ----

annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

annotation     ----

annotation p. 440    on abortion    p. 444
show subjects concepts

annotation See over Page
show subjects concepts

annotation p 528    on ‹fertility› «differnce» of Lychnis (quoted from Tausch) diurna & vespertina in hermaphroditism.—    I presume th nmber of seed here refer to cultivated Plants

annotation     ----

annotation p 539 on crosses takng place at distances p. 550. do

annotation p 560
     p 564
show subjects concepts

annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

annotation p 598    on nmber of seed in Lychnis vespertina—diurna
show subjects subjects

annotation p 600
show subjects concepts

annotation p 366 self-fert. often fails in ‹Malvaceae› Lycium, Tropaeolum, || Mirabilis & Campanula & Lycium —

annotation All these references have been recopied out into papers in ‹bundle of›    Hybrid Chapter
show subjects concepts

annotation 136 368 386 497 — 138 — 134, 135
     386 567 595
show subjects concepts

annotation in reddish-orange crayon ✔ p. 128    on quantity of pollen.

annotation    135    Each embryo requires more than one pollen grain —

annotation 226 Narben-fuchte [ie `-feuchtigkeit'] secreted frm stigma at varios points

annotation 236 secretion of stigma of Nicotiana took months to dry — so vy differt frm tht of Orchis.—
show subjects subjects

annotation 256    Reichenback    Vol I.    p. 120

annotation 345 347 } quantity of pollen requisit for full fertilisation

annotation in reddish-orange crayon ✔ 351 600 } Successive application of pollen necessary
     (for Orchids)

annotation vertically crossed In Corn & Hemp Fields & Palms clouds of pollen p 107
show subjects subjects

annotation p 116 Contabescence
show subjects concepts

annotation Dichogamy
     Gärtner Kenntniss S. 539
     on plants lines 6—800 yards fertilisng each other
     vy good .    p551 ?
     p lines 573—577

annotation (Keep)
show subjects concepts

annotation N.B.    p 137.    on varieties of Verbascum crossingt01 usedt02
t01 - `p 137 ... crossing' vertically crossedin pencil
t02 - `used' in pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation p. 212 { Fruchnoten [ie `Fruchtknoten'] = germen
     griffel = stylus
     narbe = stigma

annotation     Oct.    1855—
     This book abstracted & abstrcts & references distributed. —
show subjects concepts