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Book Title
A history of British birds
Publication Details
London, John Van Voorst, 1839
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation To Charles Darwin Esq— With the author's compts 14 June 1839.

annotation 99 On Relative Length of quill-feather in Hawks & Owls
show subjects subjects

annotation 159 Curious & important    Rules of colour in Birds compared to young Ch. 6 Sexual «Selection»

annotation .t01 166    Bird quittng nest at certain temperature (Q)t02
t01 - `.' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation 182 Increase of Missel Thrush   
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation Xt01 299 On use of feathers distinguishing species «(Qt02 of Wrens
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `(Q)' in dark pencil

annotation 327 Great tit will kill littl Birds
show subjects subjects

annotation 412 Sky-Lark breeding in confinement
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annotation Xt01 444. Variation «(Qt02 in. Nest of Yellow Ammer , considerable «(nest various of Sparrow in different situations
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation 470 Tree & House Sparrow so different in rarity & yet Tree has wide range— «Habits & nidification same. Ch. 5»

annotation 506    Redpoles in confinement do not get red Breast
show subjects subjects