The genus Freycinetia (Pandanaceae) in the Solomon Islands
Vol 76, Page 1, Date 1963
Miscellanea Megadrilogica. VII. Greenhouse earthworms
Vol 76, Page 9, Date 1963
New land snails from El Salvador
Vol 76, Page 19, Date 1963-04-03
New and little known Mexican and neotropical Deltocephalinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae)
Vol 76, Page 37, Date 1963
A new catfish, Corydoras pastazensis (Callichthyidae)from Ecuador
Vol 76, Page 59, Date 1963
Addition to the leiolopismid lizards known from the Philippines, with description of a new species and subspecies
Vol 76, Page 69, Date 1963
Geographic variation and plumage sequence of the tanager Hemithraupis flavicollis in tlie Guianas and adjacent Brazil
Vol 76, Page 81, Date 1963
The nomenclature of South American peccaries
Vol 76, Page 85, Date 1963
Revision of some genera of polychaete worms of the family Spionidae, including the description of a new species of Scolelepis
Vol 76, Page 89, Date 1963
A new species of gonatid squid from the northeastern Pacific
Vol 76, Page 105, Date 1963
A new diplopod genus and species from Georgia (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae)
Vol 76, Page 113, Date 1963
A new crawfish from the Hatchie River in Mississippi and Tennessee (Decapoda, Astacidae)
Vol 76, Page 121, Date 1963
Grasshoppers of the tribe Ommexechini: a key to genera, a new Argentine genus, and notes on others (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Vol 76, Page 127, Date 1963-08-02
Biological notes on three Floridian wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)
Vol 76, Page 139, Date 1963
Another new water snake of the genus Natrix from the Mexican plateau
Vol 76, Page 169, Date 1963
An additional race of the pileated tinamou from Panama
Vol 76, Page 173, Date 1963
Geographic variation in the cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
Vol 76, Page 177, Date 1963
Status of certain fox squirrels in Mexico and Arizona
Vol 76, Page 181, Date 1963
Type fixation and validation of certain calcareous narmoplankton genera
Vol 76, Page 191, Date 1963
Polychaelous annehds from Puget Sound and the San Juan Archipelago, Washington
Vol 76, Page 197, Date 1963
Taxonomic revision of two polydorid species (Annelida, Polychaeta, Spionidae)
Vol 76, Page 209, Date 1963
A redescription of the amphiurid brittlestar Ophiocnida cubana A. H. Clark, 1917
Vol 76, Page 217, Date 1963
A new milliped of the xystodesmid genus Brachoria from southwestern Virginia
Vol 76, Page 223, Date 1963
A new genus and species of water- strider from California (Hemiptera: Macroveliidae)
Vol 76, Page 227, Date 1963
Records and descriptions of some interesting species of Eucosma in California (Lepitoptera: Tortricidae)
Vol 76, Page 235, Date 1963
Notes on- the Entomognathus of eastern United States (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Vol 76, Page 247, Date 1963
Natural history of Plummers Island, Maryland XVII. Annotated list of the wasps (Hymenoptera: Bethyloidea, Scolioidea, Vespoidea, Pompiloidea, Sphecoidea)
Vol 76, Page 255, Date 1963
Two new species of ophichthid eels from the Western Atlantic
Vol 76, Page 281, Date 1963
Redescription of the plethodontid salamander Bolitoglossa lignicolor (Peters), with remarks on the status of B. palustris Taylor
Vol 76, Page 289, Date 1963
The systematic status of the lined snake of Iowa
Vol 76, Page 297, Date 1963
Distributional notes on some Virginia reptiles
Vol 76, Page 305, Date 1963
Elsinoe stage of Sphaceloma sacchari
Vol 77, Page 1, Date 1964
New Tardigrada from western North America: I, Pseudechiniscus
Vol 77, Page 5, Date 1964
A New Troglobitic Crayfosh of the Genus Cambarus from Arkansas with a note on the Range of Cambarus cryptodytes Hobbs
Vol 77, Page 9, Date 1964
Stenocyprinae, a new subfamily of freshwater cyprid ostracods (Crustacea) with description of a new species from California
Vol 77, Page 17, Date 1964
The status of Fontaria pulchella BoUman, with the proposal of a new genus and tribe in the Diplopod family Xystodesmidae
Vol 77, Page 25, Date 1964
Japygidae of South America, 5: New species of Japygidae from Chile
Vol 77, Page 35, Date 1964
A review of the oriental leafhopper genus Sudra Distant (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Hylicinae)
Vol 77, Page 47, Date 1964
The genus Nidicola (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)
Vol 77, Page 53, Date 1964
Nomenclatural and descriptive notes on Orodesma apicina H.-S. and its subspecies (Lepidoptera, Noctuidea)
Vol 77, Page 65, Date 1964
Natural history of Plummers Island, Maryland XVIII. The hibiscus wasp, an abundant rarity, and its associates (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Vol 77, Page 73, Date 1964
Lycenchelys bullisi, a new eelpout from the Gulf of Mexico
Vol 77, Page 113, Date 1964
A new species of fruit-eating bat (genus Artibeus) from Central America
Vol 77, Page 119, Date 1964
A new subspecies of harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys gracilis, from Isla del Carmen, Campeche
Vol 77, Page 123, Date 1964
A new genus and species from the Juan Fernandez Islands (Lepidoptera: Blastodacnidae)
Vol 77, Page 125, Date 1964
Studies on Andean Compositae: VI
Vol 77, Page 127, Date 1964
A new Thracia from South Carolina (Mollusca: Pelecypoda)
Vol 77, Page 157, Date 1964
A revised interpretation of the primitive centipede genus Arrup, with redescription of its type-species and list of known species
Vol 77, Page 161, Date 1964
A third smooth species of Polylepiscus (Polydesmida: Euryuridae)
Vol 77, Page 171, Date 1964
New North and Central American records of Orthoporus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida)
Vol 77, Page 175, Date 1964
Three new polydesmoid millipeds from Central America
Vol 77, Page 183, Date 1964
A new cave-dwelling crayfish from the Greenbrier drainage system. West Virginia (Decapoda, Astacidae)
Vol 77, Page 189, Date 1964
Notes on some Mallophaga from Formosan mammals
Vol 77, Page 195, Date 1964
A new species of Coptopsylla Jordan and Rothschild, 1908, from northern Saudi Arabia with comments and a key to the genus (Siphonaptera: Coptopsyllidae)
Vol 77, Page 199, Date 1964
Observations on the nesting of Pompilus (Ammosphex) michiganensis (Dreisbach) (Hymenoptera; Pompilidae)
Vol 77, Page 215, Date 1964
New species of Chrysis in the lauta, propria and venusta groups from North America (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)
Vol 77, Page 223, Date 1964
GJyphanodinium, a new dinoflagellate genus from the Paleocene of California
Vol 77, Page 237, Date 1964
Synonyms of Protodorvillea egena (Ehlers) (Eunicidae, Polychaeta)
Vol 77, Page 241, Date 1964
Two new entocytherid ostracods from the vicinity of Washington, D. C
Vol 77, Page 243, Date 1964
A new species of lacebug from Pakistan (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
Vol 77, Page 247, Date 1964
Geographic variation in the coot in New Guinea
Vol 77, Page 251, Date 1964
A metapodial of Acratocnus (Edentata: Megalonychidae) from a cave in Hispaniola
Vol 77, Page 253, Date 1964