top-margin annotation Charles Darwin, F.R.S.
Down Beckenham Kent
vom Verfasser./

line 2 underline "Verbreitungsmittel"
line 4 underline "Pflanzen"
line 6 underline "Hildebrand"

line 11 score [`bookmark']
top-margin apparently unintentional mark
line 20 score [`bookmark']
line 23 score [`bookmark']
line 17 score [`bookmark']
bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark
⇑lines 18—5 score
⇑lines 19—11 annotation all sorts of adaptations to scatter seeds
from End Slip annotation in mid-grey ink 104. wonderfully mny adaptations for scattrng seeds
fleshy fruits more open.

⇑line 6 score [`bookmark']
⇑lines 16—10 double score
from End Slip annotation in mid-grey ink 129 — Bears on what useless (Q)

lines 5—12 double score
whole-margin annotation When seeds of same kind ‹all› sown together all struggle together & all weak — not so when different kind for thn th strong kill the weak
from End Slip annotation in mid-grey ink 150 When mny seedlng of sam sp. struggle together all weakened, but differnt sp. kill each other more easily — & thus good of distribution.

⇑lines 12—8 score
from End Slip annotation in mid-grey ink 151 & parents close interbreeding

lines 14—22 score in dark pencil
lines 17—21 score
line 21 underline "ausbilden ... nicht"

lines 8—9 score
lines 8—12 underline "wo ... muss"
