Giant ringtail possums (Marsupialia, Pseudocheiridae) and giant koalas (Phascolarctidae) from the late Cainozoic of Australia
Vol 117, Page 3, Date 1997
Functional anatomy of the macropodid pes
Vol 117, Page 17, Date 1997
The late Quaternary sediments and fossils vertebrate fauna from Cathedral Cave, Wellington Cave, New South Wales
Vol 117, Page 51, Date 1997
Taphonomy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of a late Holocene deposit from Black's Point Sinkhole, Venus Bay, S. A
Vol 117, Page 79, Date 1997
Some smaller macropod fossils of South Australia
Vol 117, Page 97, Date 1997
The distribution of Pleistocene vertebrates on the eastern Darling Downs, based on the Queensland Museum collections
Vol 117, Page 107, Date 1997
Analysis of a late Quaternary deposit and small mammal fauna from Nettle Cave, Jenolan, New South Wales
Vol 117, Page 135, Date 1997
Perameles bowensis, a new species of Perameles (Peramelemorphia, Marsupialia) from Pliocene faunas of Bow and Wellington Caves, New South Wales
Vol 117, Page 163, Date 1997
Rehabilitation of the Wellington Caves phosphate mines: implications for Cainozoic stratigraphy
Vol 117, Page 175, Date 1997
New Sthenurus species (Macropodidae, Diprotodontia) from Wellington Caves and Bingara, New South Wales
Vol 117, Page 181, Date 1997
Origins and setting: mammal Quaternary palaeontology in the eastern highlands of New South Wales
Vol 117, Page 197, Date 1997
A review of the Plio-Pleistocene crocodilian genus Pallimnarchus
Vol 117, Page 223, Date 1997
Towards a biology of Propleopus oscillans (Marsupialia: Propleopinae, Hypsiprymnodontidae)
Vol 117, Page 243, Date 1997