The Coleopterous fauna of a willow swamp in Windsor Forest
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 4, Date 1932
The early stages of Procris globulariae, Hb.; and of P. cognata, H.-S
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 17, Date 1932
The specific names and the geographical variations of Melitaea parthenoides Kef. (= parthenie auct. nec Borkh.) and of parthenie, Borkh. (= aurelia, Nickerl)
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 27, Date 1932
A review of Mr. E. Rivenhall Goffe's paper on Tabanidae (Trans. Ent. Soc S. of England 1930)
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 37, Date 1932
On the "Illustrations of varieties of British Lepidoptera," by S. L. Mosley (1878-1885 ?)
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 86, Date 1932
On some forms of Pieris brassicae, L
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 88, Date 1932
A new genus of Psvchides
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 97, Date 1932
Brachypterous earwigs. A problem for field workers
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 98, Date 1932
Zygaenae, Grypocera and Rhopalocera of the Cottian Alps compared with other races [contd.]
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 139, Date 1932
Reduviidae collected in the Barberton District, Eastern Transvaal
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 154, Date 1932
Notes on Erebiid species
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 165, Date 1932
An account of my studies in the biology of Pieris rapae
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 168, Date 1932
The British Noctuae and their varieties (contd.)
Ser new, Vol 44, Page 213, Date 1932