Six new species and subspecies of Naesiotus from the Galapagos Islands (Pulmonata: Bulimulidae)
Vol 90, Page 764, Date 1977
Percina (Imostoma) antesella, a new percid fish from the Coosa River system in Tennessee and Georgia
Vol 90, Page 6, Date 1977
Neopomacentrus miryae, a new species of pomacentrid fish from the Red Sea
Vol 90, Page 183, Date 1977
Apogon mosavi, a new Western Atlantic cardinalfish, and a note on the occurrence of Apogon leptocalus in the Bahamas
Vol 90, Page 19, Date 1977
Description of Colomastix janiceae n. sp., a commensal amphipod (Gammaridea: Colomastigidae) from the Florida Keys, USA
Vol 90, Page 30, Date 1977
Faxonella blairi, a new crawfish from the Red River drainage of Oklahoma and Arkansas
Vol 90, Page 1, Date 1977
An emendation of the genus Sathodrilus Holt 1968 (Annelida: Branchiobdellida), with the description of four new species from the Pacific drainage of North America
Vol 90, Page 116, Date 1977
Ophiacantha clypeata n. sp. from the Bering Sea, with a redescription of Ophiacantha rhachophora Clark (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
Vol 90, Page 55, Date 1977
A new genus of Pacific Etelinae (Pisces: Lutjanidae) with redescription of the type species
Vol 90, Page 89, Date 1977
Sarsiella pseudospinosa a new marine ostracod (Myodocopina: Sarsiellidae) from southern California
Vol 90, Page 43, Date 1977
A new species of characoid fish Hyphessobrycon diancistrus, from the Rio Vichada River drainage, Colombia, South America (Teleostei: Characidae)
Vol 90, Page 348, Date 1977
Biological results of the University of Miami Deep Sea Expeditions. ]21. A review of the recent species of Balanophyllia (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) in the western Atlantic, with descriptions of four new species
Vol 90, Page 132, Date 1977
Notes on the biology of thee potoniine shrimp Lipkebe holthuisi Chace, with a descnption of the male
Vol 90, Page 284, Date 1977
The geckoes (Sauria, Gekkonidae) of the genus Sphaerodactylus of the Dominican Peninsula de Barahona, Hispaniola
Vol 90, Page 243, Date 1977
Bonaducecytheridae, a new family of cytheracean Ostracoda, aud its phylogenetic significance
Vol 90, Page 263, Date 1977
Vargula tsujii, a new species of luminescent Ostracoda from Lower and southern California (Myodocopa: Cypridininae)
Vol 90, Page 218, Date 1977
Studies of Neotropical caddisflies, 21. The genus Lepidostoma (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae)
Vol 90, Page 375, Date 1977
A new species of Aphodius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeiidae) from sand dunes in Chihuahua, Mexico
Vol 90, Page 232, Date 1977
A new crawfish of the genus from northeast Mississippi, with notes on the origin of the genus (Decapoda, Cambaridae)
Vol 90, Page 367, Date 1977
A new genus of flightless ibis (Threskiornithidae) and other fossil birds from cave deposits in Jamaica
Vol 90, Page 447, Date 1977
Conchoecia convexa, new species of halocyprid ostracod from the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
Vol 90, Page 358, Date 1977
The milliped genus Croatania (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae)
Vol 90, Page 302, Date 1977
Ophiomastix koehleri, a new ophiocomid brittlestar (Echinoderntata: Ophiuroidea) from the western Indian Ocean
Vol 90, Page 274, Date 1977
On some Pycnogonida of French Oceania
Vol 90, Page 440, Date 1977
Natural history of Plummers Island, Maryland. 22. Biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). l. Introduction and key to genera
Vol 90, Page 615, Date 1977
Three new ecuadorian species of the aquatic beetle genus Chaetarthria (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)
Vol 90, Page 566, Date 1977
A new entocytherid ostracod of the genus Plectocythere
Vol 90, Page 491, Date 1977
Key to the Neotropical genera of Parydrinae with a revision of the genus Eleleides Cressen (Diptera: Ephydridae)
Vol 90, Page 553, Date 1977
Sarsiella maurae, a new species of marine Ostracoda (Sarsiellidae: Myodocopina) from Bahia de Los Angeles, Gulf of California, Mexico
Vol 90, Page 676, Date 1977
Description of a new hermit crab (family Paguridae) from southern California and Mexico
Vol 90, Page 648, Date 1977
A great auk Pinguinis, from the Pliocene of North Carolina (Aves : Alcidae)
Vol 90, Page 690, Date 1977
Two new species of Colobomatus (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) parasitic on Pacific fish
Vol 90, Page 579, Date 1977
The Sphegina species of eastern North America (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Vol 90, Page 536, Date 1977
A gill-inhabiting new genus and species of the Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata)
Vol 90, Page 726, Date 1977
Three new species of Oligochaeta (Naididae) from the southeastern US
Vol 90, Page 483, Date 1977
A new frog of the genus Rana from the Philippines
Vol 90, Page 669, Date 1977
Stilbomastax, a new genus of spider crab (Majidae : Tychinae) from the West Indies region with notes on American relatives
Vol 90, Page 884, Date 1977
A new species of Sphaerodactylus (Sauria, Gekkonidae) from Isla Monito, West Indies
Vol 90, Page 985, Date 1977
A revision of the genus Rhysophora Cresson with a key to related genera (Diptera: Ephydriidae)
Vol 90, Page 921, Date 1977
The status and systematic position of the species of the bopyrid isopod genus Phyllodurus Stimpson, 1857
Vol 90, Page 813, Date 1977
Caecidotea carolinensis, n. sp. the first subterranean water slater from North Carolina (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellidae)
Vol 90, Page 968, Date 1977
Cycloleberis christiei, a new species of marine Ostracoda (Suborder Myodocopina) from Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon, South ca
Vol 90, Page 894, Date 1977
Descriptions of new taxa of crotalid snakes from China and Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Vol 90, Page 1002, Date 1977
Buceroemersonia, a new genus of Ischnoceran Mallophaga found on the hornbill genus Tockus (Bucerotidae)
Vol 90, Page 798, Date 1977
Deontostoma coptochilus n. sp., a marine nematode (Leptosomatidae) from the foot cavity of the deep-sea anemone Actinuage longicornis (Verrill, 1882)
Vol 90, Page 946, Date 1977
A new crayfish (Decapoda: Cambaridae) from San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Vol 90, Page 412, Date 1977
New entocytherid ostracods of the genus Dactylocythere
Vol 90, Page 600, Date 1977
Two new species of Ashmunella from Dona Ana county, New Mexico, with notes on the Ashmunella kochii Clapp complex (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Polygyridae)
Vol 90, Page 849, Date 1977
Penaeopsis eduardoi, a new species of shrimp (Crustacea : Penaeidae) from the Indo-West Pacific
Vol 90, Page 172, Date 1977
Orchestia vaggala, a new land hopper from the Galapagos Islands (Crustacea, Amphipoda: Talitridae)
Vol 90, Page 658, Date 1977
Description of a new subspecies of prairie vole Microtus ochrogaster
Vol 90, Page 49, Date 1977
Rediscovery of Sesarma aequatoriale Ortmann, 1894 in the eastern Pacific (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae)
Vol 90, Page 495, Date 1977
Acanthostome digeneans from the American alligator in the southeastern United States
Vol 90, Page 1016, Date 1977
The types and type-localities of Oreortyx pictus (Douglas) and Ortyx plumifems Gould
Vol 90, Page 808, Date 1977
Cave shrimps in theCaicos Islands
Vol 90, Page 108, Date 1977
Studies of tropical American Leguminosae-VIII
Vol 90, Page 237, Date 1977
Postembryonic development and synonymy for Eosentomon rostratum Ewing (Insecta-Protura)
Vol 90, Page 778, Date 1977
Taxonomic status of the turtle, Chrysemys picta, in the northern peninsula of Michigan
Vol 90, Page 685, Date 1977
A redescription of Oithona dissimilis Lindberg 1940 with a comparison to Oithona hebes Giesbrecht 1891 (Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida)
Vol 90, Page 400, Date 1977
Distributional notes on Nodosorex and Megasorex in western Mexico
Vol 90, Page 826, Date 1977
Studies on decapod Crustacea from the Indian River region of Florida. VI. The identity of Parthenope (Platylambrus) serrata (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) and Parthenope (Platylambrus) granulata (Kingsley, 1879)
Vol 90, Page 505, Date 1977
The identity of Lewis' marmot, Arctomys lewisii
Vol 90, Page 291, Date 1977
Two new species of Eleutherocdactylus (Amphibia : Leptodactylidae) from northeastern South America
Vol 90, Page 424, Date 1977
The Soricidae of Taiwan
Vol 90, Page 459, Date 1977
Distributional and nomenclatoral notes on some Gelastocoridae in the collection of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Hemiptera)
Vol 90, Iss 2, Page 214, Date 1977
On the genera Echinaster Müller and Troschel and Othilia Gray, and the validity of Verrillaster Downey (Echinodermata: Asteroidea)
Vol 90, Iss 4, Page 829, Date 1977
A new species of pygmy characoid fish from the Rio Negro and Rio Amazonas, South America (Teleostei: Characidae)
Vol 90, Page 149, Date 1977
A new marine genus and species of the Nuuanu group (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the Yucatan Peninsula
Vol 90, Page 161, Date 1977
Ceratolana papuae, a new genus and species of mangrove-boring cirolanid isopod from Papua New Guinea
Vol 90, Page 819, Date 1977
A new species of Synchelidium (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from sand beaches in California
Vol 90, Page 877, Date 1977
Preliminary accounts of five new genera of stomatopod crustaceans
Vol 90, Page 420, Date 1977
Eudrilin earthworms, including a new genus, from eastern Nigeria
Vol 90, Page 255, Date 1977
Anthurids from the west coast of North America, including a new species and three new genera (Crustacea, Isopoda)
Vol 90, Page 839, Date 1977
Hyphessobrycon socolofi, a new species of characoid fish (Teleostei: Characidae) from the Rio Ne o of Brazil
Vol 90, Page 326, Date 1977
An Atlantic helioporan coral (Coelenterata: Octocorallia)
Vol 90, Page 975, Date 1977
Four new species of Anoplodactylus (Pycnogonida) from the western North Atlantic
Vol 90, Page 584, Date 1977
A new species of frog of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Amphibia : Leptodactylidae) from the Cockpit Country of Jamaica
Vol 90, Page 194, Date 1977
A new species of Eleutherodactylus (Anura : Leptodactylidae) from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia
Vol 90, Page 60, Date 1977