Richard Winslow Foster
Vol 4, Page ii
Analysis of Species and Synonyms
Vol 4, Page viii
The Genus Calliostoma in the Western Atlantic
Vol 4, Iss 40, Page 1
The Genus Lithophaga in the Western Atlantic
Vol 4, Iss 41, Page 81
Review of British Prosobranch Molluscs, their functional anatomy and ecology, by Vera Fretter and Alastair Graham, 1962.
Vol 4, Iss 41, Page 116
The Genera Pedipes and Laemodonta in the Western Atlantic
Vol 4, Iss 42, Page 117
Review of The Portland Catalogue
Vol 4, Iss 42, Page 127
The Subfamilies Volutinae, Zidoninae, Odontocymbiolinae and Calliotectinae, in the Western Atlantic
Vol 4, Iss 43, Page 129
Review of Fauna und Flora der Adria by Rupert Riedl 1963
Vol 4, Iss 43, Page 180
The Family Pandoridae in the Western Atlantic
Vol 4, Iss 44, Page 181
Review of Gould, A.A. 1841, Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts
Vol 4, Iss 44, Page 216
Review of Gould, A.A., edited by W.F. Binney 1870, Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts
Vol 4, Iss 44, Page 216
The Subfamily Tellininae in the Western Atlantic: The Genus Tellina (Part I)
Vol 4, Iss 45, Page 217
The Subfamily Tellininae in the Western Atlantic: The Genus Tellina (Part II) and Tellidora
Vol 4, Iss 46, Page 273
The Subfamily Tellininae in the Western Atlantic: The Genus Strigilla
Vol 4, Iss 47, Page 345
Review of Abbott, R.T. 1968. Seashells of North America: A Guide to Field Identification
Vol 4, Iss 47, Page 368
The Family Volutidae in the Western Atlantic
Vol 4, Iss 48, Page 369
The Genus Conus in the Western Atlantic
Vol 4, Iss 48, Page 372