A contribution to the systematics of Alpine species of the genus Erebia (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)
Vol 21, Page 5, Date 1998
Population structure, mobility and habitat selection of the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe (Lycaenidae: Lycaenini) in western Germany
Vol 21, Page 14, Date 1998
A review of the Old World Scrobipalpula (Gelechiidae), with special reference to central and northern Europe
Vol 21, Page 37, Date 1998
Observations on the biology and distribution of Pseudophilotes barbagiae (Lycaenidae, Polyommatini)
Vol 21, Page 66, Date 1998
Comments on "Nomina Lepidopterorum nova" by S. K. Korb (Papilionidae, Nymphalidae)
Vol 21, Page 74, Date 1998
Emilio Berio (1905-1993)
Vol 21, Page 85, Date 1998
The status, ecology and conservation of Lycaena dispar (Lycaenidae: Lycaenini) in Europe
Vol 21, Page 94, Date 1998
A new Ethmia species (Ethmiidae) from Turkmenistan
Vol 21, Page 101, Date 1998
Description of a new species of Leucoptera from Oman (Lyonetiidae)
Vol 21, Page 106, Date 1998
A new Acrobasis species from Morocco (Pyralidae: Phycitinae)
Vol 21, Page 111, Date 1998
A catalogue of the type specimens of Riodinidae and Lycaenidae deposited in the collection of Zoologisches Forschunginstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig (Bonn)
Vol 21, Page 119, Date 1998
Emmanuel de Bros (1914-1997)
Vol 21, Page 149, Date 1998
The life history and ecology of Euphydryas maturna (Nymphalidae: Melitaeini) in Finland
Vol 21, Page 154, Date 1998
Erster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Brachodidae: Revision von Brachodes fallax mit Beschreibungen neuer zentralasiatischer Arten (Sesioidea)
Vol 21, Page 170, Date 1998
First records of Nola harouni from Europe and comments on the taxonomic status of N. centonalis holsatica (Nolidae)
Vol 21, Page 194, Date 1998
A redescription of Cecidoses argentinana (Cecidosidae) and its early stages, with comments on its taxonomic position
Vol 21, Page 206, Date 1998
Josef Klimesch (1902-1997)
Vol 21, Page 224, Date 1998
Preimaginal stages of Smerinthus kindermanni, and comparison with S. ocellata (Sphingidae)
Vol 21, Page 234, Date 1998
Scotopteryx ignorata sp. n., eine bisher übersehene europäische Art des Scotopteryx mucronata-luridata-Komplexes (Geometridae)
Vol 21, Page 240, Date 1998
Neue Eumasia Arten aus Mittelspanien und den Malediven und einige Ergänzungen zur Kenntnis der Gattung Eumasia (Psychidae)
Vol 21, Page 264, Date 1998
Argyroploce arbutella (Tortricidae) associated with a montane peat bog in the Sumava Mountains, Czech Republic
Vol 21, Page 283, Date 1998
Present knowledge on the distribution of Erebia christi (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in the Italian Alps
Vol 21, Page 290, Date 1998
Pseudophilotes vicrama schiffermuelleri confirmed from the Greek island of Kos (Lycaenidae)
Vol 21, Page 296, Date 1998