Comments upon the origin of the herpetofauna of Florida
Vol 21, Page 61, Date 1958
The evolutionary history of the Pictus group of the crayfish genus Procambarus (Decapoda, Astacidae)
Vol 21, Page 71, Date 1958
In defense of the concepts of major and minor habitats in approaching biological problems
Vol 21, Page 92, Date 1958
A report on succession studies of selected plant communities on the University of Florida Conservation Reserve, Welaka, Florida
Vol 21, Page 101, Date 1958
A new fish of the genus Ophioscion, family Sciaenidae, from Caribbean Costa Rica
Vol 21, Page 117, Date 1958
Notes on the barred pattern in the sheepsheads, Archosargus probatocephalus and A. oviceps
Vol 21, Page 138, Date 1958
A new family of Miocene salamanders from the Texas coastal plain
Vol 21, Page 169, Date 1958
Additions to the fishes of Cedar Key, Florida, and a list of Gulf of Mexico Carangidae
Vol 21, Page 190, Date 1958
Leptocephalus of the Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes, from offshore waters
Vol 21, Page 235, Date 1958
Amebas of Warm Mineral Springs, Florida, including Cochliopodium papyrum n. sp
Vol 21, Page 241, Date 1958
A small fossil herpetofauna from Barbuda, Leeward Islands, with the description of a new species of Hyla
Vol 21, Page 248, Date 1958
A new species of the boar-fish genus Antigonia from the western Atlantic
Vol 21, Page 255, Date 1958
Studies on helminth parasites from the coast of Florida. IV. Digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of Tampa, Boca Ciega bays, and the Gulf of Mexico
Vol 21, Page 259, Date 1958
Notes on the eggs and young of Gopherus polyphemus (Daudin)
Vol 21, Page 274, Date 1958
On the status of the Atlantic leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea coriacea, as a visitant to Florida nesting beaches, with natural history notes
Vol 21, Page 285, Date 1958
Observations on the ecology of a new population of the Mediterranean gecko, Hemidactylus turcicus, in Florida
Vol 21, Page 317, Date 1959
Further notes on Trematoda encysted in Florida mullets
Vol 21, Page 329, Date 1959
Studies on water relations in Florida termites. I. Survival time and rate of water loss during drying
Vol 21, Page 341, Date 1959
A study in vitro ovulation in the eastern spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus h. Holbrooki
Vol 22, Page 1, Date 1959
A checklist of the stomatopod crustaceans of the Florida-Gulf of Mexico area
Vol 22, Page 14, Date 1959
Extrusive incisor growth in the rodent genera Geomys, Peromyscus, and Sigmodon
Vol 22, Page 25, Date 1959
A comparison of Trachinotus cayennensis with T carolinus and T. paitensis
Vol 22, Page 32, Date 1959
A Pleistocene Terrapene hibernaculum, with remarks on a second complete box turtle skull from Florida
Vol 22, Page 49, Date 1959
Comparison of the teratogenic effects of trypan blue and low temperature in the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes)
Vol 22, Page 54, Date 1959
Observations on tropical marine fishes from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Vol 22, Page 69, Date 1959
Notes on Trachypeneus (Trachysalatnbria) similis (Smith), in the Tortugas shrimp fishery
Vol 22, Page 75, Date 1959
Canine teeth in Florida white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus seminolus) Goldman & Kellogg)
Vol 22, Page 76, Date 1959
Effects of burning on vegetation and rodent populations in a longleaf pine - turkey oak association in north central Florida
Vol 22, Page 94, Date 1959
Two new eyeless ostracods of the genus Entocythere from Florida
Vol 22, Page 114, Date 1959
Protozoan fauna of a limestone sinkhole in north-central Florida
Vol 22, Page 121, Date 1959
Four trematodes from the black skimmer, Rhynchops nigra Linn. (Aves: Ryncyopidae), in Gasparilla Sound, Florida, including the description of a new genus and two new species
Vol 22, Page 125, Date 1959
Soil fungi from chrysanthemum plantings
Vol 22, Page 147, Date 1959
Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682) debunker of popular superstitions
Vol 22, Page 191, Date 1960
Herpetofaunal survey of the Pine Hills area of southern Illinois
Vol 22, Page 207, Date 1960
Macrocallista nimbosa at Alligator Harbor
Vol 22, Page 226, Date 1960