A preliminary review of the family Gonostomatidae, with a key to the genera and the description of a new species from the tropical Pacific
Vol 122, Page 55, Date 1960
A preliminary review of the family Gonostomatidae, with a key to the genera and the description of a new species from the tropical Pacific
Vol 122, Page 57, Date 1960
Trichecodon huxleyi (Mammalia: Odobenidae) in the Pleistocene of southeastern United States
Vol 122, Page 127, Date 1960
Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. III. Tribe Amblyoponini (Hymenoptera)
Vol 122, Page 143, Date 1960
Land shells of Navassa Island, West Indies
Vol 122, Page 233, Date 1960
A transcription of Darwin's first notebook on "transmutation of species." Edited
Vol 122, Page 245, Date 1960
Skeleton and musculature of the thorax of Gelastocoris oculatus (Fabricus) (Hemiptera - Heteroptera)
Vol 122, Page 297, Date 1960
The palatine process of the premaxilla in the Passeres; a study of variation, function, evolution and taxonomic value of single character throughout an avian order
Vol 122, Page 359, Date 1960
The Lizards of Venezuela
Vol 122, Page 489, Date 1960