Richard Irwin Johnson
Vol 5, Page III, Date 1998
Molluscan taxa of Addison Emery Verrill and Katharine Jeannette Bush, including those introduced by Sanderson Smith and Alpheus Hyatt Verrill
Vol 5, Iss 67, Page 1, Date 1989
Searles V. Wood's "Monograph of the Crag Mollusca" (1848-1882) with notes on the generic name Astartella
Vol 5, Iss 68, Page 145, Date 1989
Review of Carol M. Lalli and Ronald W. Gilmer. 1989. Pelagic Snails. The Biology of Holoplanktonic Gastropod Mollusks. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, pp. i-xiv, 1-259, 25 tables, 76 text-figures, 16 color figures
Vol 5, Iss 68, Page 154, Date 1989
An indexed catalogue of publications on molluscan type specimens
Vol 5, Iss 69, Page 157, Date 1992
Addendum to "An indexed catalogue of publications on molluscan type specimens" (1992)
Vol 5, Iss 70, Page 337, Date 1997
Comments on "the final report" of a massive search for Lasmigona decorata (Lea, 1852) and Alasmidonta robusta Clarke, 1981 (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the Carolinas
Vol 5, Iss 71, Page 371, Date 1997
Correct family names for the freshwater "muteloid" bivalves (Unionoida: Etherioidea)
Vol 5, Iss 72, Page 379, Date 1997
The effect of breeding period on the biogeography of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoidea) in the Minnesota region of North America
Vol 5, Iss 73, Page 393, Date 1997
The western Lake Superior freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) community and its origin
Vol 5, Iss 74, Page 409, Date 1997
A new mussel, Disconaias conchos (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from Rio Conchos of the Rio Grande System, Mexico
Vol 5, Iss 75, Page 419, Date 1997-08-01
A new mussel, Potamilis metnecktayi (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the Rio Grande System, Mexico and Texas with notes on Mexican Disconaias
Vol 5, Iss 76, Page 427, Date 1998-01-30
The myth of Octopus giganteus Verrill, 1897: A whale of a story
Vol 5, Iss 76, Page 456, Date 1998
On "The Chambered Nautilus" by Oliver Wendell Holmes
Vol 5, Iss 76, Page 458, Date 1998
Additional records and notes on the Unionid fauna of the Gulf drainage of Alabama, Georgia and Florida
Vol 5, Iss 76, Page 465, Date 1998
On the provenance of certain books in the Department of Mollusks
Vol 5, Iss 76, Page 466, Date 1998