A Lower Carboniferous fauna from Lewinsbrook, New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1963-12-24
Minor planets observed at Sydney Observatory during 1962
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 33, Date 1964-04-03
Depositional environments and provenance of Devonian and Carboniferous sediments in the Tamworth trough, N.S.W
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 41, Date 1964-04-03
Petrology in relation to road materials. Part II: The selection of rock for road-making in Australia, with special reference to New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 55, Date 1964-04-03
The geology of the Carroll-Keepit-Rangari area of New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 65, Date 1964-04-03
The eclogite-bearing basic igneous pipe at Ruby Hill near Bingara, New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 73, Date 1964-04-21
On traces of native iron at Port Macquarie, New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 81, Date 1964-04-21
Lepidophloios and Cyrtospirifer from the Lambie group at Mount Lambie, N.S.W
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 83, Date 1964-04-21
Devonian trilobites from the Wellington-Molong district of New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 91, Date 1964-04-21
Precise observations of minor planets at Sydney Observatory during 1961 and 1962
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 99, Date 1964-07-02
Quaternary sedimentation by prior streams on the Riverine Plain, south-west of Griffith, N.S.W
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 107, Date 1964-07-02
Some applications of aerial photographs to the solution of topographic and cartographic problems
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 117, Date 1964-07-02
The Donovan Astronomical Lecture for 1963. Positional astronomy.
Vol 97, Iss 5, Page 135, Date 1964-07-09
The Clarke Memorial Lecture for 1961 Our Permian heritage in central-eastern New South Wales.
Vol 97, Iss 5, Page 145, Date 1964-07-09
Geology and sub-surface waters of the Jurassic Walloon coal measures in the eastern portion of the Coonamble Basin, N.S.W
Vol 97, Iss 5, Page 157, Date 1964-07-09
On the Gibbs' phenomenon in n-dimensional Fourier transforms
Vol 97, Iss 5, Page 163, Date 1964-07-09
Lower Cretaceous sporomorphs from the northern part of the Clarence Basin, New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 5, Page 175, Date 1964-07-09
Minor plantes observed at Sydney Observatory during 1963
Vol 97, Iss 6, Page 177, Date 1965-02-11
Occultations observed at Sydney Observatory during 1962-63
Vol 97, Iss 6, Page 183, Date 1965-02-11
James Dwight Dana in New South Wales, 1839-1840
Vol 97, Iss 6, Page 185, Date 1965-02-11
Lower Carboniferous faunas from Wiragulla and Dungog, New South Wales
Vol 97, Iss 6, Page 193, Date 1965-02-11
Volatile oils and plant taxonomy
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1965-11-18
Heterocyclic chemistry, and some biological overtones
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 11, Date 1965-11-18
Late Quaternary coastal morphology of the Port Stephens-Myall Lakes area, N.S.W
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 23, Date 1965-11-18
The stratigraphy of the Hervey group in central New South Wales
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 37, Date 1965-11-18
A note on the stratigraphy of the Devonian Garra Beds of New South Wales
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 85, Date 1965-11-18
The foundations of the Geological Survey of New South Wales
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 91, Date 1965-12-09
Radioactive laterites in the National Park area, near Sydney
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 101, Date 1965-12-09
The Mesozoic age of the Garrawilla lavas in the Coonabarabran-Gunnedah district
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 105, Date 1965-12-09
Clay mineralogy of some Upper Devonian sediments from central New South Wales
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 111, Date 1965-12-09
Photographic observations of double stars
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 121, Date 1965-12-09
Minor planets observed at Sydney Observatory during 1964
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 133, Date 1965-12-09
Some units and standards of weights and measures
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 139, Date 1966-03-21
The mathematical sciences in the changing world
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 145, Date 1966-03-21
Average forces in lossy electromagnetic systems. Expressions involving measurable terminal parameters
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 151, Date 1966-03-21
The marine Permian formations of the Cracow district, Queensland
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 159, Date 1966-03-21
The geology of the Canowindra east area, New South Wales
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 169, Date 1966-03-21
The Pollock Memorial Lecture: Current trends in solid state science.
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 197, Date 1966-07-22
On Lepidopteris madagascariensis Carpentier (Pelaspermaceæ)
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 203, Date 1966-07-22
The big hole near Braidwood, New South Wales
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 215, Date 1966-07-22
Petrography of some Permian sediments from the lower Hunter Valley of New South Wales
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 221, Date 1966-07-22
The geology of Mandurama-Panuara
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 239, Date 1966-07-22
Precise observations of minor planets at Sydney Observatory during 1963 and 1964
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 263, Date 1966-07-22