Notes on Trachymene humilis (J.D.Hook.) Benth. (Umbelliferae)
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 159, Date 1986-05
Studies in Macquarie Island Australia Lichens 3: the Genus Sphaerophorus
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 169, Date 1986-05
New or Noteworthy Taxa of Senecio (Asteraceae) in Australia 1
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 173, Date 1986-05
Two New Species of Olearia Moench (Compositae: Astereae) from Central Australia
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 181, Date 1986-05
Caladenia calcicola (Orchidaceae), a new species from Victoria, Australia
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 185, Date 1986-05
A New Species of Helicia, New Combinations and Lectotypification in Triunia (Proteaceae) from Australia
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 193, Date 1986-05
Nymphoides disperma (Menyanthaceae): a new Australian species
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 197, Date 1986-05
A New Species of Carex (Cyperaceae: Caricoideae) from South-eastern Australia
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 201, Date 1986-05
Rediscovery of Hemichroa mesembryanthema F.Muell. (Amaranthaceae)
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 205, Date 1986-05
Notes on Afzelia and Petalostylis (Caesalpiniaceae)
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 211, Date 1986-05
Studies in Macquarie Island Australia Lichens 4: the Genera Cladia and Cladonia
Vol 6, Iss 3, Page 217, Date 1986-05
A Revision of Pogonolepis (Compositae: Inuleae: Gnaphaliinae)
Vol 6, Iss 4, Page 237, Date 1986-05
Lectotypification of Stuartina Muelleri (Compositae: Inuleae) With Notes on Stuartina in Victoria and South Australia
Vol 6, Iss 4, Page 255, Date 1986-05
New Species of Hemigenia and Microcorys (Labiatae)
Vol 6, Iss 4, Page 259, Date 1986-05
The Alpine Vegetation of Victoria Australia, excluding the Bogong High Plains Region
Vol 6, Iss 4, Page 265, Date 1986-05
Two New Species of Callistemon R.Br. (Myrtaceae)
Vol 6, Iss 4, Page 293, Date 1986-05