Rodents, bats, and insectivores from the Plio-Pleistocene sediments to the east of Lake Turkana, Kenya
Vol 372, Page 1, Date 1986-02-21
Three new luminescent ostracodes of the genus Vargula (Myodocopida, Cypridinidae) from the San Blas region of Panama
Vol 373, Page 1, Date 1986-02-21
Late Miocene and Holocene mammals, exclusive of the Notoungulata of the Rio Acre region, western Amazonia
Vol 374, Page 1, Date 1986-05-15
The subfamilies of Eurytomidae and systematics of the subfamily Heimbrinae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)
Vol 375, Page 1, Date 1986-05-15
Contributions toward a revision of the New World nomadine bees. A partitioning of the genus Nomada (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae)
Vol 376, Page 1, Date 1986-05-15
Recent discoveries in the Blepharicera tenuipes group, including descriptions of two new species from Appalachia (Diptera: Blephariceridae)
Vol 377, Page 1, Date 1986-11-03
Description of a new species of the shore fly genus Diedrops (Diptera: Ephydridae) from Colombia
Vol 377, Page 21, Date 1986-11-03
The taxonomy and nomenclature of some Australian paragiine wasps (Hymenoptera: Masaridae)
Vol 378, Page 1, Date 1986-11-03
Propodial elaboration in southern African and Indian Ocean Fissurellidae (Mollusca: Prosobranchia) with descriptions of two new genera and one new species
Vol 379, Page 1, Date 1986-11-03
Evolution and classification of the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary gastropod Perissitys
Vol 380, Page 1, Date 1987-05-12
A new species of Barisia (Sauria, Anguidae) from Oaxaca, Mexico
Vol 381, Page 1, Date 1987-05-12
An Early Miocene pinniped of the genus Desmatophoca (Mammalia: Otariidae) from Washington
Vol 382, Page 1, Date 1987-06-18
Middle Miocene marine birds from the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California
Vol 383, Page 1, Date 1987-06-18
Contributions toward a revision of the New World nomadine bees. 2. The genus Melanomada (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae)
Vol 384, Page 1, Date 1987-06-18
Notes on the bythitid fish genus Saccogaster with a new species from the Gulf of Mexico
Vol 385, Page 1, Date 1987-06-18
New bythitid fish, Dinematichthys minyomma, from the Caribbean Sea
Vol 385, Page 5, Date 1987-06-18
Moles of the Scapanus latimanus group (Talpidae, Insectivora) from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of California
Vol 386, Page 1, Date 1987-08-20