The Sphingidae (Moths) of Kartabo, British Guiana, and Caripito, Venezuela
Vol 30, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1945-04-27
Field notes on the lizards of Kartabo, British Guiana, and Caripito, Venezuela. Part 3. Teiidae, Amphisbaenidae and Scincidae
Vol 30, Iss 2, Page 7, Date 1945-04-27
Spiders of the Family Salticidae from British Guiana and Venezuela
Vol 30, Iss 3, Page 33, Date 1945-04-27
Note on the eared pheasants (Crossoptilon) with the description of a new subspecies
Vol 30, Iss 4, Page 43, Date 1945-04-27
Trypanosomes from North America amphibians, with a description of Trypanosoma grylli Nigrelli (1944) from Acris gryllus (Le Conte)
Vol 30, Iss 5, Page 47, Date 1945-04-27
Sexual dimorphism in the skeletal elements of the gonopodial suspensoria in Xiphophorin fishes
Vol 30, Iss 6, Page 57, Date 1945-09-14
The Saturnioidea (Moths) of Kartabo, British Guiana, and Caripito, Venezuela
Vol 30, Iss 7, Page 73, Date 1945-09-14
Vertebrate fauna of a tropical dry season mud-hole
Vol 30, Iss 8, Page 81, Date 1945-09-14
A comparison of length and voltage in the electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus)
Vol 30, Iss 9, Page 89, Date 1945-09-14
Compensating reactions to the loss of the lower jaw in a cave fish
Vol 30, Iss 10, Page 95, Date 1945-09-14
The presence of a Myxobacterium, Chondrococcus columnaris (Davis) Ordal and Rucker (1944), on Fundulus heteroclitus (Linn.)
Vol 30, Iss 11, Page 101, Date 1945-09-14
Notes on the taxonomy of the birds of the Philippines
Vol 30, Iss 12, Page 105, Date 1945-11-15
A study of the peripheral blood of a metamorphosing anuran (Rana pipiens)
Vol 30, Iss 13, Page 119, Date 1945-11-15
Fulgoroidea (Homoptera) of Kartabo, Bartica District, British Guiana
Vol 30, Iss 14, Page 125, Date 1945-11-15
Plankton of the Bermuda Oceanographic Expeditions. XI. Bathypelagic Nemerteans of the Bermuda area and other parts of the North and South Atlantic Oceans, with evidence as to their means of dispersal
Vol 30, Iss 15, Page 145, Date 1945-11-15
Studies on virus diseases of fish. IV. Lymphocystis disease in Centrarchidae
Vol 30, Iss 16, Page 169, Date 1945-12-31
The Amphipoda of the Bermuda Oceanographic Expeditions, 1929-1931
Vol 30, Iss 17, Page 185, Date 1945-12-31
The Meliponidae (Stingless Bees) of Caripito, Northeastern Venezuela
Vol 30, Iss 18, Page 267, Date 1945-12-31