Neotropical Homoptera of the Carnegie Museum, Part I. Report upon the undescribed species of Agallia and Idiocerus from tropical America contained in the Carnegie Museum, 1920
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 8, Date 1923-03
Neotropical Homoptera of the Carnegie Museum, Part 2. Records and descriptions of five new genera and sxty-fve new species of the subfamily Jassinae
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 27, Date 1923-03
New species of Notodontidæ from South America in the Carnegie Museum
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 80, Date 1923-03
A fossil-bearing slab of sandstone from the Agate Spring quarries of western Nebraska exhibited in the Carnegie Museum
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 1923-03
The hyoid arch of the Miocene Camel Stenomylus
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 94, Date 1923-03
Restoration of Merychyus elegana subsp. minimus Peterson
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 96, Date 1923-03
Proclamation of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, inscribed upon a cylinder recently acquired by the Carnegie Museum
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 1923-03
A new species of Galeatus from New Mexico (Hemiptera-Tingitidæ)
Vol 15, Iss 1, Page 108, Date 1923-03
Description of the type of Uintasaurua douglossi Holland
Vol 15, Iss 2-3, Page 119, Date 1924-07
The Carangoid fishes of Japan
Vol 15, Iss 2-3, Page 139, Date 1924-07
Account of a skeleton of a gorilla remarkable because showing recovery from gunshot wounds
Vol 15, Iss 2-3, Page 293, Date 1924-07
Discovery of fossil mammals in the Brown's Park formation of Moffatt County, Colorado
Vol 15, Iss 2-3, Page 299, Date 1924-07
The life-history of the common water-newt (Notophthalmus viridescens), together with observations on the sense of smell
Vol 15, Iss 2-3, Page 305, Date 1924-07
The Oreodonts of the Lower Oligocene
Vol 15, Iss 2-3, Page 369, Date 1924-07
Neotropical Homoptera of the Carnegie Museum. Part 3. Report upon the collections in the subfamily Bythoscopince, with descriptions of new species
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 383, Date 1924-08
Neotropical Homoptera of the Carnegie Museum. Part 4. Report upon the collectioins in the subfamily Jassinae with descriptions of new species
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 397, Date 1924-08