A new genus of Amorbini (Heteroptera: Coreidae) from Australia, with two new species
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 379, Date 1998
Eastern range extension of Forrest's Mouse
Vol 42, Page 386, Date 1998
Pontoniine shrimps from Moreton Bay, Queensland (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pontoniinae)
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 387, Date 1998
A new name, Thinora, proposed for the preoccupied name Thorina Bruce (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hippolytidae)
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 398, Date 1998
A new species of Foersterella Dalla Torre (Hymenoptera: Tetracampidae) from Australia
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 399, Date 1998
A new tooth-plated dipnoan from the Upper Devonian Gogo Formation and its relationships
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 403, Date 1998
Consumption of Idiospermum australiense seeds by the Musky Rat Kangaroo, Hypsiprymnodon moschatus (Marsupialia: Potoroidae)
Vol 42, Page 438, Date 1998
Aberrant plumages in birds of paradise (Paradisaeidae)
Vol 42, Page 439, Date 1998
A mature cupule of Leptostrobus (Czekanowskiales) from the Late Triassic of Queensland
Vol 42, Page 445, Date 1998
First record of Caytonia in Australia
Vol 42, Page 448, Date 1998
Frasnian gastropods from the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 449, Date 1998
Heideckernema gen. nov. a replacement name for the Devonian turretellid Trinema Cook
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 458, Date 1998
Two new species of Ramphotyphlops (Squamata: Typhlopidae) from Queensland
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 459, Date 1998
Two new species of Saproscincus (Reptilia: Scincidae) from Queensland
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 465, Date 1998
A further diagnostic character and some basic biological information for Lerista colliveri
Vol 42, Page 474, Date 1998
Reptile diversity at risk in the Brigalow Belt, Queensland
Vol 42, Page 475, Date 1998
Two new semi-aquatic species of Diplotrema (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae: Acanthodrilinae), with a re-description of the type species
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 487, Date 1998
Bryorachis (Phidoloporidae) and Retelepralia (Cheiloporinidae): two new genera of Indo-Pacific Bryozoa
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 495, Date 1998
Assessment of horseback surveys of kangaroos
Vol 42, Page 504, Date 1998
New synonyms and nomenclatural changes in the ant genus Polyrhachis Fr. Smith
Vol 42, Page 505, Date 1998
New data on typhlopid type specimens from Queensland in the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 532, Date 1998
Turinia pagei (Powrie): a new reconstruction of the soft organs of the cephalothorax
Vol 42, Page 533, Date 1998
Osteology of a sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus (Linnaeus) from central Queensland
Vol 42, Page 545, Date 1998
Irrawaddy dolphins Orcaella brevirostris (Owen in Gray) from southern Queensland
Vol 42, Page 554, Date 1998
Predation on diurnal insects by the Eastern Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus megaphyllus (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae)
Vol 42, Page 555, Date 1998
A new species of Dero (Allodero) (Naididae: Oligochaeta) inhabiting the Wolffian ducts of the green tree frog (Litoria caerulea) in Queensland
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 559, Date 1998
Observations on a large population of the vulnerable pygopodid, Delma torquata
Vol 42, Page 565, Date 1998
Recognition of Eulamprus tryoni (Longman), a scincid lizard endemic to the McPherson Ranges of eastern Australia
Vol 42, Page 573, Date 1998
Saproscincus oriarus, a new scincid lizard (Lacertilia: Scincidae) from the north coast of New South Wales
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 579, Date 1998
The taxonomic status of the ectosymbiotic flatworm Didymorchis paranephropis Haswell
Vol 42, Page 585, Date 1998
A new semi-slug from Tamborine Mountain, southeastern Queensland (Mollusca: Eupulmonata: Helicarionidae)
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 597, Date 1998
Temporena Iredale unravelled
Vol 42, Page 604, Date 1998
Revision of the Pliocene dasyurid, Dasyurus dunmalli (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia)
Vol 42, Page 605, Date 1998
Australian populations of the Nactus pelagicus complex (Reptilia: Gekkonidae)
Vol 42, Page 613, Date 1998