Pupilloid Land Snails from the South and Mid-west Coasts of Australia
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 95, Date 1986
Fusinus anni (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae), A new Species from Southeastern Australia
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 125, Date 1986
A redescription of the sea hare Aplysia gigantea Sowerby, 1869
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 173, Date 1986
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 179, Date 1986
Direct Development inRostanga arbutus(Angas) (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) and the effects of temperature and salinity on embryos reared in the laboratory
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 141, Date 1986
The Columbariinae (Gastropoda: Turbinellidae) of the eastern Indian Ocean
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 155, Date 1986
A new Dermomurex species and a record of Dermomurex angustus (Verco) (Gastropoda· Muricidae) from Western Australia
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 169, Date 1986
Distribution of Gastropods in a Mangrove Habitat in South-East Queensland
Vol 7, Iss 3-4, Page 131, Date 1986