Two historical 'Pinna ingens Pennant' in the Royal Scottish Museum
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 1
A note on Hudi Chert freshwater molluscs with description of Lanistes grabhami Cox 1933 from Hanakat el Kuleiwat (Sudan)
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 5
The names Partulida Schaufuss, 1869 and Spiralinella Chaster, 1901 (Gastropoda: Pyramidellacea)
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 9
Lauria cylindracea and Granopupa granum, two species of terrestrial Molluscs to be removed from the South African list
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 11
Discus rotundatus (Müller) growing on algae
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 13
Patterns of snail distribution at Ham Street Woods National Nature Reserve, East Kent
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 23
A note on the acceptability of various weeds as food for Arion hortensis Férussac
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 37
A rare "Sowerby" leaflet
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 40
The Occurrence of Charonia lampas (L.) at Guernsey
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 41
Associations of molluscs and marine plants at San Diego, California
Vol 28, Iss 1, Page 43
Fictional Mollusca
Vol 28, Iss 2, Page 61
Protective resemblances in British Lamellaria
Vol 28, Iss 2, Page 75
The Palaearctic element in late Quaternary lake faunas of Southern Ethiopia
Vol 28, Iss 2, Page 79
Some Mollusca from Bornu Province, Northern Nigeria: with Appendix: Statistical analysis of two species (Pila Wernei Philippi and Aspatharia Complanata Jousseaume)
Vol 28, Iss 2, Page 81
A list of Caithness land and freshwater Mollusca
Vol 28, Iss 2, Page 95
Subfossil and modern land-snail faunas from rock-rubble habitats
Vol 28, Iss 2, Page 103
Obituary—Herbert Edwin James Biggs 18895-1973
Vol 28, Iss 2, Page 131
On some Gastropods of the Aegean
Vol 28, Iss 3, Page 133
Notes on the occurrence of Vertigo angustior Jeffreys in Great Britain
Vol 28, Iss 3, Page 141
Azeca in Britain
Vol 28, Iss 3, Page 155
The land operculate genus Pollicaria Gould (Gastropoda), a systematic revision
Vol 28, Iss 3, Page 173
Pteropods of Scottish and adjacent waters
Vol 28, Iss 3, Page 179
Daytime resting sites of Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller) and Arion intermedius Normand on grassland
Vol 28, Iss 3, Page 185
Boettgerilla pallens Simroth, a new British species
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 203
Addendum Boettgerilla Pallens Simroth new to Ireland
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 207
Sphaerium solidum (Normand) in the British Isles
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 209
A new species of Cypraea from West Africa and three new species of Marginellidae from the Indian Ocean
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 213
Mollusca dredged off Musselburgh, Firth of Forth, Scotland in 1972, with particular reference to the population of Spisula solida (L.)
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 217
Mapping non-marine Mollusca in southern Scotland, 1973
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 225
Ätagema gibba Pruvot-Fol, a doridacean nudibranch new to the British fauna
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 233
Distribution maps of Helix pomatia L.
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 239
An energy budget for Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller) on grassland
Vol 28, Iss 4, Page 243
A history of the Society
Vol 28, Iss 5, Page 265
An investigation into the effect of running water on shell dimensions in Ancylus fluviatilis Müller
Vol 28, Iss 5, Page 295
The ecology of Mollusca in ancient woodland. 1. The fauna of Hayley Wood, Cambridgeshire
Vol 28, Iss 5, Page 301
Aplysia parvula Guilding in Mörch, an opisthobranch new to the British fauna
Vol 28, Iss 5, Page 329
On the occurrence of Salinator fragilis (Lamarck) in the Arabian Gulf
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 335
Salinator fragilis (Lamarck): habitat and behaviour
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 339
A review of the predators of Littorina, especially those of L. saxatilis (Olivi) [Gastropoda: Prosobranchia]
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 343
The rediscovery of Cerastua lymnaeiformis (Haas) [Enidae]
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 358
A field guide to the British Limapontiidae and Alderia modesta Lovén [Gastropoda: subclass Opisthobranchia, order Sacoglossa]
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 359
Dymantic display in Galeomma polita Deshayes [Bivalvia: Leptonacea]
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 365
A second specimen of Fulgoraria (Psephaea) Megaspira (Sowerby)
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 370
Columella in the British Isles
Vol 28, Iss 6, Page 371