Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2022
Vol 34, Page 1
Update to the taxonomy of Hypocalymma sect. Hypocalymma (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae), including hybrids and new species
Vol 34, Page 21
Pterostylis segregata (Orchidaceae), a rare new species from south-west Western Australia
Vol 34, Page 61
Four new species of Amanita sect. Roanokenses (Basidiomycota) from Western Australia
Vol 34, Page 65
Lectotypification of Astartea arbuscula and A. fascicularis (Myrtaceae)
Vol 34, Page 93
Acacia armigera (Fabaceae), a new, geographically restricted wattle from the Coolgardie bioregion of Western Australia
Vol 34, Page 95
A new, geographically restricted species of Acrotriche (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae) from the central south coast of Western Australia and an updated key to species
Vol 34, Page 99
George Maxwell’s collecting locality – Eyre’s Relief
Vol 34, Page 105
Amanita marinae (Basidiomycota), a new species from the mid-west region of Western Australia
Vol 34, Page 111
Taxonomic resolution of infraspecific taxa in Lambertia orbifolia (Proteaceae) using molecular and morphological evidence
Vol 34, Page 125
The taxonomy of the Styphelia corynocarpa subgroup (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae)
Vol 34, Page 139
Ferdinand Mueller in Western Australia in 1877, with notes on his later contributions to the Western Australian flora
Vol 34, Page 157
Echinostelium australiense (Myxomycetes: Echinosteliaceae), a new species of slime mould described from Western Australia
Vol 34, Page 179
Volvopluteus earlei and Volvariella taylorii: new fungi for Western Australia (Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Pluteaceae)
Vol 34, Page 187
Marasmius australotrichotus (Marasmiaceae), a new setose species from Australia, and an intriguing range extension for M. paratrichotus
Vol 34, Page 203
Molecular analysis identifies a red seaweed common in the Swan Estuary as Gracilaria transtasmanica (Gracilariales: Gracilariaceae)
Vol 34, Page 221
Eremophila improvisa, E. rubicunda and E. saxatilis (Scrophulariaceae), three new species from Western Australia
Vol 34, Page 225
Revision of the connate bract group allied to Goodenia panduriformis (Goodeniaceae), including recognition of three new species
Vol 34, Page 227
Four new species of Triodia (Poaceae) from the Pilbara and adjacent bioregions, Western Australia
Vol 34, Page 261
Corrigendum to: Marasmius australotrichotus (Marasmiaceae), a new setose species from Australia, and an intriguing range extension for M. paratrichotus
Vol 34, Page 295