South American Anolis: Three new species related to Anolis nigrolineatus and A. dissimilis
Vol 422, Page 1, Date 1974-03-29
South American Anolis: Anolis ibague, new species of the pentaprion group from Colombia
Vol 433, Page 1, Date 1975
A description of the vertebral column of Eryops, based on the notes and drawings of A.S. Romer
Vol 428, Page 1, Date 1974
Anolis rupinae new species A syntopic sibling of A. monticola shreve
Vol 429, Page 1, Date 1974
The stratigraphy of the Permian Wichita redbeds of Texas
Vol 427, Page 1, Date 1974
Association of Ursus arctos and Arctodus simus (Mammalia: Ursidae) in the late Pleistocene of Wyoming
Vol 426, Page 1, Date 1974
Stupendemys geographicus, the world's largest turtle
Vol 436, Page 1, Date 1976
Two new species of Chelus (Testudines: Pleurodira) from the late Tertiary of northern South America
Vol 435, Page 1, Date 1976
Systematics and distribution of ceratioid anglerfishes of the genus Lophodolos (family Oneirodidae)
Vol 425, Page 1, Date 1974
The larva of Sphindocis denticollis fall and a new subfamily of Ciidae (Coleoptera: Heteromera)
Vol 424, Page 1, Date 1974
A new species of primitive Anolis (Sauria Iguanidae) from the Sierra de Baoruco, Hispaniola
Vol 423, Page 1, Date 1974
A case history in retrograde evolution: The onca lineage in anoline lizards. I. Anolis annectens new species, intermediate between the genera Anolis and Tropidodactylus
Vol 421, Page 1, Date 1974
Environmental factors controlling the distribution of recent benthonic Foraminifera
Vol 420, Page 1, Date 1974
Protoptychus, a hystricomorphous rodent from the late Eocene of North America
Vol 419, Page 1, Date 1973
Morphogenesis, vascularization and phylogeny in angiosperms
Vol 418, Page 1, Date 1973
A new species of Cyrtodactylus (Geckonidae) from New Guinea with a key to species from the island
Vol 417, Page 1, Date 1973
The mandibular dentition of Plagiomene (Dermoptera, Plagiomenidae)
Vol 411, Page 1, Date 1973
The color pattern of Sonora michoacanensis (Duges) (Serpentes, Colubridae) and its bearing on the origin of the species
Vol 410, Page 1, Date 1973
The Chanares (Argentina) Triassic reptile fauna. XX. Summary
Vol 413, Page 1, Date 1973
Museums and biological laboratories
Vol 416, Page 1, Date 1973
Ecology, selection and systematics
Vol 414, Page 1, Date 1973
Anolis marcanoi new species: sibling to Anolis cybotes: description and field evidence
Vol 430, Page 1, Date 1975
South American Anolis: Anolis parilis, new species, near A. mirus Williams
Vol 434, Page 1, Date 1975
Evolution and classification of placodermi fishes
Vol 432, Page 1, Date 1975-03-28
Mylostoma variabile Newberry, an Upper Devonian durophagous brachythoracid arthrodire, with notes on related taxa
Vol 412, Page 1, Date 1973
An Electrophoretic comparison of the Hispaniolan lizards Anolis cybotes and A. marcanoi
Vol 431, Page 1, Date 1975
The evolution of behavior and the role of behavior in evolution
Vol 415, Page 1, Date 1973