By: Hovey, Edmund Otis, - American Museum of Natural History - Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917)Edition:Publication info: [1915-1917],Volume:Series:Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects: (1913-1915) 1862-1924 Arctic regions Crocker Land Expedition Description and travel Field notes Greenland Hovey, Edmund Otis, Languages Scientific ExpeditionsBHL Collections:
By: Hovey, Edmund Otis, - Comer, George. - American Museum of Natural History - Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917)Edition:Publication info: 1916-1917,Volume:Series:Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects: (1913-1915) 1862-1924 Arctic regions Crocker Land Expedition Description and travel Field notes Greenland Hovey, Edmund Otis, Scientific Expeditions SeismometryBHL Collections:
By: Hovey, Edmund Otis, - American Museum of Natural History - Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917)Edition:Publication info: 1915,Volume:Series:Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects: (1913-1915) 1862-1924 Arctic regions Crocker Land Expedition Description and travel Field notes Greenland Hovey, Edmund Otis, Scientific ExpeditionsBHL Collections:
By: Hovey, Edmund Otis, - American Museum of Natural History - Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917)Edition:Publication info: 1916-1917,Volume:Series:Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects: (1913-1915) 1862-1924 Arctic regions Crocker Land Expedition Description and travel Field notes Greenland Hovey, Edmund Otis, Scientific ExpeditionsBHL Collections: