By: Boissier, Edmond,
Publication info:
Volume: Boissier to Engelmann, 1857-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Friedrich), (Georg), (Georges François), 1805-1860 1805-1872 1805-1877 1806-1893 1809-1884 1810-1885 1810-1888 1823-1866 Boissier, Edmond, Braun, Alexander, Candolle, Alphonse de, Correspondence Description and travel Engelmann, George, Euphorbiaceae Gray, Asa, Klotzsch, Fr Letters London (England) Mettenius, G Paris (France) Receipts (Acknowledgments) Reuter, G. F
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Fenzl, Eduard,
Publication info:
Volume: Fenzl to Engelmann, 1846-1872
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Georg), (George Julius), 1808-1879 1809-1884 1823-1866 1836-1927 1837-1917 1847-1903 Cactaceae Cereus giganteus Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Engelmann, George J Engelmann, George, Fenzl, Eduard, Letters Liliaceae Mettenius, G Receipts (Acknowledgments) Seeds Tschermak, Gustav, Tschermak, Hermine Vienna (Austria) Weiss, Adelinda Weiss, Edmund, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Fresenius, Georg,
Publication info:
Volume: Fresenius to Engelmann, 1834-1847
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Georg), 1767-1851 1793-1868 1794-1884 1800-1884 1802-1842 1807-1882 1808-1866 1809-1884 1823-1866 Bayrhoffer, Johann David Wilhelm, Bentham, George, Botanical specimens Bové, Nicolas, Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Decaisne, Joseph, Engelmann, George, Fresenius, Georg, Growth Growth (Plants) Letters Link, Heinrich Friedrich, Mettenius, G Rüppell, Eduard, Seeds
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Mettenius, G. (Georg),
Publication info:
Volume: Mettenius to Engelmann, 1857-1865
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Georg), 1774-1850 1809-1884 1823-1866 Bernhardi, Johann Jacob, Botanical specimens Collectors and collecting Correspondence Engelmann, George, Herbarium Letters Mettenius, G Smithsonian Institution
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Weber, Frédéric-Albert-Constantin
Publication info:
Volume: from Weber, (Frédéric), untranslated/undated
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Botanist) (Charles Christopher), (Frédéric Albert Constantin), (Frederick A.), (Frederick Adolph), (Georg), (Heinrich), 1773-1861 1786-1864 1796-1866 1803-1888 1805-1874 1805-1877 1806-1850 1806-1893 1807-1873 1807-1879 1807-1882 1809-1884 1810-1889 1818-1883 1818-1892 1823-1866 1823-1890 1829-1911 1830-1903 1834-1884 1834-1920 1836- 1867-1910 -1876 Agassiz, Louis, Agave Baker, John Gilbert, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Buchinger, Jean Daniel Cactaceae Candolle, Alphonse de, Correspondence Decaisne, Joseph, Engelmann, George, Fournier, Eugène, Gabb, William M Gay, Jacques Etienne, Graf zu, Gregg, Josiah, Haage, Friedrich Adolph Identification Jacobi, Georg Albano von Leguminosae Letters Liliaceae Mettenius, G Mexico Miller, F. A Palmer, Edward, Parry, C. C Pfersdorff, Charles, Plants Politics and government Poselger, H Salm-Reifferscheidt, Joseph, Sauvalle, Francisco Adolfo, Seeds Seitz, Franz Todaro, Agostino, Weber, F. A. C Wislizenus, F. A Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden