By: Bentham, George,
Publication info:
Volume: Bentham to Engelmann, 1858-1879
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1800-1884 1806-1893 1809-1884 1811-1885 1817-1893 1817-1911 1823-1888 Araliaceae Bentham, George, Botanical specimens Candolle, Alphonse de, China Classification Coniferae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Hong Kong Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Identification Letters Planchon, Jules-Emile, Plants Santalaceae Spruce, Richard, Wright, Charles,
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Caruel, Teodoro,
Publication info:
Volume: Caruel to Engelmann, 1864-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Giovanni), (John Lawrence), (Maxwell Tylden), 1800-1878 1805-1877 1806-1883 1809-1884 1810-1888 1811-1894 1816-1877 1817-1911 1820-1893 1823-1888 1825-1883 1830-1898 1830-1916 1833-1907 1834-1920 1839-1883 1840-1921 1843-1920 Arcangeli, G Baker, John Gilbert, Beccari, Odoardo, Braun, Alexander, Caruel, Teodoro, Cesati, Vincenzo, Correspondence De Visiani, Roberto, Diseases and pests Duchartre, Pierre Etienne Simon, Engelmann, George, Fruit Gray, Asa, Grossulariaceae History Hooker, Joseph Dalton, LeConte, John L Letters Masters, Maxwell T Morphology Oliver, Daniel, Orto botanico "Giardino dei Semplici" (Florence, I Parlatore, Filippo, Pasquale, Giuseppe Antonio, Pedicino, Nicola Antonio Planchon, Jules-Emile, Ribes Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Vitaceae Vitis
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Dubrueil, E.
Publication info:
Volume: Dubrueil to Engelmann, 1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1823-1888 Authorship Collaboration Correspondence Dubrueil, E Engelmann, George, Letters Planchon, Jules-Emile, Revue des sciences naturelles
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Gray, Asa,
Publication info:
Volume: Gray to Engelmann, 1841
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 19th century Abies Agassiz, Louis, Araceae Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Bigelow, John M Bignoniaceae Bolander, Henry N Boott, William, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Brunet, Ovide, Buckley, S. B Cactaceae Callitrichaceae Callitriche Candolle, Alphonse de, Catalpa Classification Collection and preservation Compositae Coniferae Correspondence Darwin, Charles, Depressions Description and travel Eaton, Daniel Cady, Effect of environment on Eggert, Henry Emory, William H Endlicher, Stephan, Engelmann, George J Engelmann, George, Erigeron Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Europe Fagaceae Fendler, Augustus, Frémont, John Charles, German Emperor, Geyer, Karl Andreas, Goodale, George L Gray Herbarium Gray, Asa, Greene, Edward Lee, Gregg, Josiah, Hall, Elihu, Harvard University Harvey, William H Herbarium Human beings Human evolution Identification Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de, Kellogg, A Law and legislation Leavenworth, Melines Conklin, Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Lincoln, Abraham, Lindley, Joh
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Jaeger, Hermann,
Publication info:
Volume: Jaeger to Engelmann, 1881-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Samuel Botsford), 1809-1884 1812-1897 1823-1888 1828-1880 1838-1902 1844-1895? Boll, Jacob, Buckley, S. B Correspondence Cuttings Engelmann, George, Habitat Hybridization Jaeger, Hermann, Letters Meusebach, John Ottfried, Millardet, Pierre Marie Alexis, Planchon, Jules-Emile, Seeds Vitaceae Vitis
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden