By: Mayr, Heinrich.Edition:Publication info: Berlin, P. Parey, 1906Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Boston Public LibrarySubjects: bomen Bosbomen bosbouw Exotischer Baum forest trees Forestry houtachtige planten als sierplanten Houtachtige siergewassen Ornamental woody plants Parkbaum Plant introduction straatbomen street trees Trees WaldbaumBHL Collections:
By: Beissner, L. (Ludwig), - Beissner, Ludwig,Edition:Publication info: Berlin, P. Parey, 1891Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects: bomen Bosbomen bosbouw Conifers Diseases and pests forest trees Forestry handboeken handbooks houtachtige planten als sierplanten Houtachtige siergewassen Nadelgehölze Ornamental woody plants Pinopsida TreesBHL Collections:
By: Brandis, Dietrich, Sir,Edition:Publication info: London, A. Constable & Co., Ltd, 1906Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects: bomen bosbouw Forestry houtachtige planten als sierplanten Houtachtige siergewassen India Ornamental woody plants Pakistan TreesBHL Collections:
By: Sargent, Charles Sprague, - Faxon, Charles Edward,Edition:Publication info: Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1905Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects: Baum, .. bomen bosbouw Botany Centraal-Amerika Central America Flora Floras of North America Forestry houtachtige planten als sierplanten Noord-Amerika Nordamerika North America Ornamental woody plants Phytogeography Plantengeografie Plantkunde Spermatophyta TreesBHL Collections: