Grundlicher Unterricht vom Nutzen und Gebrauch einiger bewährtesten Medicinen, als eines Lebens-Balsams, Lindernden Spiritus, und balsamischen Pillen
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Grundlicher Unterricht vom Nutzen und Gebrauch einiger bewährtesten Medicinen, als eines Lebens-Balsams, Lindernden Spiritus, und balsamischen Pillen


Hoffmann, Friedrich, 1660-1742




Published material

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Halle [an der Saale], Druckts, Christian Henckel, Universitäts Buchdr[ucker], J. J. C. 1719


Virgules replaced by commas in title page transcription.

There are two other editions of this anonymously printed pamphlet, both printed in Halle an der Saale in 1720 and 1721; only the 1721 edition has been attributed to a Friedrich Hoffmann by the Bibliotheks Verbund Bayern, which cannot be attributed to Friedrich Hoffmann by any other source. The online authorities of the Deutschenational Bibliothek lists a Friedrich Hoffmann (1660-1742) who was a medical doctor and a chemist and who was born and died in Halle an der Saale but does not list this publication in works attributed to him.

"Von denen balsamischen Pillen und deren Würckung", p. [15-20], includes references to tea, coffee, and china-china, or Jesuits bark, which was used to make quinine, from South America.

Signatures: A-B⁴ (A1 verso blank) C²

Engraved head and tail pieces.


Botany, Medical , Cinchona bark , Coffee , Germany , Imprint 1719 , Materia medica, Vegetable , Medicine , Patent medicines , Quinine , Tea , Therapeutic use




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.126341
OCLC: 957996255


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