
Recent Additions (Last 100)   Published In: ALL   For: Columbia University Libraries

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  1. Some greenhouses we have built in the United States and Canada   (added: 03/19/2023 )
  2. Commercial rose and green houses : also, conservatories palm houses, vineries, etc. : structural iron work for horticultural buildings : iron bench frames for slate or tile tops   (added: 03/19/2023 )
  3. About birds and bird-houses : a few simple facts about birds, and how you can have them about your home year after year   (added: 03/19/2023 )
  4. The lawn and garden decorator   (added: 05/22/2022 )
  5. Preliminary report on the international control of fisheries on the high seas : with particular reference to the Pacific   (added: 11/08/2020 )
  6. A paper on the importance of encouraging the Irish fisheries as an industrial resource read at an evening sectional meeting, 23rd January, 1847   (added: 11/01/2020 )
  7. The feminin' monarchi', or, The histori of bee's shewing their admirable natur' and propertis, their generation and colonis, their government, loyalti, art, industri, enimi's, wars, magnanimiti, &c. : together with the right ordering of them from tim' to tim', and the sweet' profit arising ther'of   (added: 11/01/2020 )
  8. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California : the problem of the pacific. No. 8   (added: 11/01/2020 )
  9. Tobacco   (added: 11/01/2020 )
  10. Internal-revenue tax on distilled spirits, malt liquors, and tobacco   (added: 10/25/2020 )
  11. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California : The resources of the north pacific ocean: their extent, utilization and conservation. No. 5   (added: 10/25/2020 )
  12. New additions to the art of husbandry comprising a new way of enriching meadows, destroying of moles, making tulips of any colour : with an approved way for ordering of fish and fish-ponds ... with directions for ordering and breeding all sorts of singing birds : with remedies for their several maladies not before publickly known   (added: 10/18/2020 )
  13. A new orchard and garden, or, The best way for planting, grafting, and to make any ground good for a rich orchard particularly in the north, and generally for the whole commonwealth ... with the country-housewifes garden for herbs of common use ... as also, the husbandry of bees, with their several uses and annoyances : all being the experience of forty and eight yeares of labour ...   (added: 10/18/2020 )
  14. Instructions for collecting the duties on post horses and other horses let for hire, in Great Britain   (added: 09/27/2020 )
  15. Discours du tabac ou il est traité particulierement du tabac en poudre   (added: 08/09/2020 )
  16. The epitomie of the art of husbandry comprizing all necessary directions for the improvement of it ... to which is annexed by way of appendix, a new method of planting fruit-trees, and improving of an orchard ...   (added: 08/02/2020 )
  17. On smoking, chewing and snuffing its pernicious & destructive tendency, both mentally and bodily   (added: 08/02/2020 )
  18. England's path to wealth and honour in a dialogue between an English-man and a Dutch-man   (added: 07/19/2020 )
  19. An Essay for the raising a national fishery by the poor of England without tax or money that shall imploy and maintain all the poor, and growing poor of this nation for ever, and in less than five years, totally ease the publick from that grievous burden   (added: 06/28/2020 )
  20. Antarctic oceanographic/meteorological SALARGOS buoy data : March 1988-June 1989   (added: 03/08/2020 )
  21. Eltanin reports, cruises 32-36, 1968 : hydrographic stations, bottom photographs, current measurements   (added: 03/08/2020 )
  22. Eltanin reports : cruises 37-39, 1969; 42-46, 1970 : hydrographic stations, bottom photographs, current measurements, nephelometer profiles   (added: 03/08/2020 )
  23. Physical oceanographic observations in the Indian Ocean using a continuously recording in-situ salinity/temperature/depth sensor : R/V Robert D. Conrad, Cruise 9, 1965   (added: 03/08/2020 )
  24. Physical and chemical oceanographic observations in the Southern Oceans : USNS Eltanin   (added: 03/08/2020 )
  25. ATLANTIS II cruise 107-3 : December 1979-January 1980, hydrographic stations 1-96   (added: 03/08/2020 )
  26. Physical and chemical oceanographic observations in the Southern Oceans : USNS Eltanin   (added: 03/08/2020 )
  27. Nephelometer measurements, HACH turbidimeter measurements and bottom photopgraphs from CONRAD cruise 15   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  28. Chlorofluorocarbon measurements made by LDGO on South Atlantic Ventilation Experiment leg 5, 23 January 1988-8 March, 1989 and Hydros leg 4, 13 March-19 April, 1989 : aboard R/V Melville   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  29. The relationship of reproductive temperature and the geographical range of the marine woodborer Limnoria tripunctata   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  30. Conrad 17 : hydrographic stations, sea floor photographs, nephelometer profiles in the southwest Indian-Antarctic Ocean, Jan.-Apr. 1974   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  31. Eltanin reports : cruises 47-50, 1971, 52-55, 1972 : hydrographic stations, bottom photographs, current measurements, nephelometer profiles   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  32. Oceanographic data in the Ross Sea and along George V Coast, 1976-1979   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  33. Ice Station Weddell-1 : CTD/hydrographic data   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  34. Results of the oceanographic survey at Eniwetok, September-October 1957   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  35. Vema cruise no. 12 : V-12 bathythermograph data   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  36. Internal waves in the Arctic Ocean   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  37. New York Bight and Middle Atlantic Bight hydrographic cruises 1975-1979 : report of cruises : Conrad 19-01 July 1975, Conrad 19-05 January 1976, Cape Henlopen 77-01 May 1977, Knorr Ace-III August 1977, Cape Henlopen 77-15 September 1977, Cape Henlopen 78-BT August 1978, Conrad 22-08 (Racaca) June 1979   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  38. Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  39. Results of the oceanographic survey at Eniwetok, September-October 1957   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  40. USNS Eltanin southern ocean oceanographic atlas : cruises 4-55, June 1962 to November 1972   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  41. Preliminary results of investigations on Arctic drift station Charlie   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  42. Oceanographic Workshop, 1964   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  43. On a dye diffusion experiment off Long Island   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  44. U.S.N.S. Eltanin cruises 28-32, March 1967-March 1968 : preliminary report of volume 22   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  45. U.S.N.S. Eltanin cruises 51-55A, January 1972 - December 1972 : preliminary report of volume 26   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  46. The cubic smoothing spline as a digital filter   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  47. Poisonous reptiles of the world: a wartime handbook   (added: 03/31/2019 )
  48. The fishing industry in Taiwan (Formosa   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  49. The Japanese fishing industry, 1928-39 and prospects for 1953   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  50. The use book A manual of information about the national forests. Grazing section   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  51. Address   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  52. Fruits and nuts: bearing acreage, 1919-1946   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  53. Live bobwhite quail Report of the United States Tariff Commission to the President of the United States. Investigation of the costs of production in the United States and in the principal competing foreign country of bobwhite quail   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  54. Tobacco manual   (added: 01/11/2019 )
  55. The Cornell-Nanking story   (added: 02/25/2018 )
  56. [Catalogue] : the Arms Palace Horse and Stock Car Company ... Chicago, Ill   (added: 09/24/2017 )
  57. Five birds of Latin America   (added: 05/28/2017 )
  58. The snake farm at Butantan, Brazil   (added: 05/28/2017 )
  59. Alimentos futuros de las Américas   (added: 05/21/2017 )
  60. The arctic plants of New York City   (added: 02/12/2017 )
  61. Staatsbemoeiing ten behoeve der zoetwatervisscherij   (added: 07/26/2016 )
  62. The forest resources of the Far Eastern Republic   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  63. Forest taxation   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  64. Oyster tonnage tax on commerce illegal   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  65. Materialien und untersuchungen zur deutschen tabaksteuerfrage   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  66. Report of the Committee to Consider the Laws Relative to the Taxation of Forest Lands   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  67. Speaker Carlisle denies a motion to repeal the tobacco taxes   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  68. Der oberbadische Tabakbau und seine wirtschaftliche Bedeutung   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  69. The Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone On cottage gardens and fruit culture   (added: 07/11/2016 )
  70. Immigrant plants in the Hawaiian islands. II   (added: 02/07/2016 )
  71. Address by Howard Elliott ... delivered at the Third National Apple Show, Spokane, Washington, November 14, 1910   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  72. Work of the Bureau of Fisheries and its fish-cultural station at Boothbay Harbor, Me   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  73. How whiskey, tobacco and drugs affect the eyes   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  74. Fisheries in the Netherlands   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  75. El problema agrario en la República Mexicana Ferrocarriles y colonización. A los señores empleados de los ferrocarriles, correos, telégrafos, estaciones inalambricas y teléfonos. Las riquezas naturales del suelo mexicano pueden salvar la nacionalidad. La industria del platano evaporado   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  76. Establishment of fish rescue stations in the state of Wisconsin Hearings before the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Sixty-sixth Congress, third session, on H.R. 15525. Wednesday, January 12, 1921   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  77. Forest regulations [general rules regarding the granting of concessions of forest areas of the Far Eastern Republic]   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  78. Statement made at Rochester, New York, Dec. 22, 1913   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  79. Special report of the Board relative to fish and fisheries of Buzzards Bay. January, 1917   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  80. Sandalion eine offene Antwort auf die Fälschungs-anklagen der Jesuiten   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  81. Report of the Commission on the Taxation of Wild or Forest Lands. January, 1914   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  82. Address by Theo. N. Vail delivered at meeting of Vermont Forestry Association, held at Lyndonville, Vt., Wednesday evening, August 2nd, 1916   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  83. On the scarcity of home grown fruits in Great Britain with remedial suggestions ...   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  84. A few words about fruit, garden, and other articles of produce and food in a letter to Joseph Mayer   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  85. Forestry Hearings before the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, Sixty-sixth Congress, third session, on H.R. 15327 (by Mr. Snell) January 26 and 27, 1921   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  86. Die geographische und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Waldes und seine Rückwirkung auf die Volksdichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung auf die Volksdichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse im Oberelsass Ein Beirt. z. Methodik d. Volksdichtedarstellung   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  87. The scope and work of the Botanical Raw Products Committee   (added: 10/04/2015 )
  88. Übersicht der Säugethiere und Vogel der Kola-Halbinsel Bd. 9   (added: 05/10/2015 )
  89. Darvinizm kriticheskoe izsli︠e︡dovanīe 1 : No. 1   (added: 04/19/2015 )
  90. Darvinizm kriticheskoe izsli︠e︡dovanīe 1 : No. 2   (added: 04/19/2015 )
  91. Sea Moss gathered in the Bay of New York by Mrs. Mary L. Seward   (added: 04/05/2015 )
  92. Madagascar, la reine des îles africaines histoire, moeurs, religion, flore, etc   (added: 02/15/2015 )
  93. Can matter think? a problem in psychics   (added: 02/15/2015 )
  94. Fisheries of the United States, 1908   (added: 02/08/2015 )
  95. Fishing industry accounts   (added: 02/08/2015 )
  96. A preliminary list of the birds of Jones Beach, Long Island, N.Y   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  97. The establishment of public parks in the city of New York   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  98. Landmarks of a gardener's lifetime   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  99. Fort Tryon Park : a new and distinctive unit of the New York City park system, of unusual scenic and historic qualities, given by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., landscaped by Olmsted Brothers, and maintained with sympathetic understanding by the city park department   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  100. The Elgin botanic garden, its later history and relation to Columbia College, the New Hampshire grants and the treaty with Vermont in 1790   (added: 08/10/2014 )